Creamed Corn Dogs

The Coffee Messiah serves up a hot pot of Mail Art.
underground comix, comix, political, cartoons,political cartoons, parody, satire, Republicans, GOP, comics, comic strips, webcomic, Bush
In 2009, General Electric, Farmer’s Insurance and Office Depot have financially supported Glenn Beck’s racism and threats against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the radio; Bayer, Chattem Pharmaceuticals and Wyeth have given Lou Dobbs money to continue his radio-based support for the Birther conspiracy theorists and his portrayal of the current Administration as alternately Socialist, Fascist and Communist; and Home Depot, JC Penney’s and Office Depot are helping provide Rush Limbaugh promote his racist, divisive commentary on a daily basis.
Labels: fox news, glenn beck, wingnut
It is time to take away Sen. Joe Lieberman's chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Lieberman announced he would vote with Republicans for a filibuster of a public option health care bill.
"We're trying to do too much at once," Lieberman said. “To put this government-created insurance company on top of everything else is just asking for trouble for the taxpayers, for the premium payers and for the national debt. I don’t think we need it now."
Unrelenting growth in health care spending has put pressure on policymakers to seek fundamental health care system reforms. Part of the stress comes from a wide gap in expectations among patients, providers, and payers: what patients and providers expect is not well aligned with what health care programs are able to deliver. The public and private sectors can both play an important role in educating the public about the differences between wants, needs, affordability, and sustainability at both the individual and aggregate level.
But even if Lieberman will probably cave, this creates real problems for Democrats. For one thing, Lieberman has said he won't oppose the motion to proceed with the health care bill. Instead, he'll filibuster the end result, if he doesn't like the outcome. This is actually very devious. If Harry Reid determines that he doesn't have 60 votes on the motion to proceed on a bill with a public option, then he doesn't have to bring it to the floor. Progressives will be apoplectic, Reid will lose some face, pundits will talk about Democrats having lost momentum -- but the prospects for health care reform will probably not have seriously been damaged. The opt-out will get replaced by an opt-in or maybe a trigger or co-ops or whatever and Olympia Snowe will be very happy and the debate will proceed.
Labels: goa, health care, joe lieberman
Sen. Bill Nelson has announced his endorsement of U.S. Senate candidate Kendrick Meek.
"Kendrick Meek's career has always been defined by his public service," said Sen. Nelson. "He's stood tall for the interests of all Floridians and is not afraid to take on special interests that put their needs above those of our state's citizens. His voice and convictions are needed in the U.S. Senate. That's why I'm wholeheartedly endorsing Kendrick Meek for the U.S. Senate."
Labels: bill nelson, kendrick meek
“Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society...”
Labels: feminism, rush limbaugh
Lobbyist Richard Heffley has been showing his generousity to Charlie Crist. Heffley runs the firm Heffley & Associates. The firm's clients inlude U.S. Sugar, AT&T, Tampa Electric, St. Joe Co., Florida Medical Association. Heffley has had numerous lobbying conflicts of interest while he served in government. Heffley served on the Florida Elections Commission while working as a lobbyist. Heffley asked the FEC to investigate Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill McBride. Heffley was appointed to the FEC by MecBride's opponent Jeb Bush. Heffley business GHP was renting office space to Bush.
Labels: charlie crist, jeb bush
Labels: fox news, rachel maddow
Randall Terry is the founder of Operation Rescue. The anti-abortion group had links to Scott Roeder. The organization's web site gives information on abortion providers. Accused murderer Scott Roeder was in contact with Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue. The latter gave information to Roeder about Dr. George Tiller's daily whereabouts. Sullenger served two years in prison for attempting to blow up the Alavarado Medical Center abortion clinic.
"If Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid force us to pay for child killing and they die unrepentant, they will burn in hell for this," Terry said in a telephone interview.
Labels: abortion, cheryl sullenger, george tiller, randall terry, scott roeder
Labels: fox news, shepard smith
The Doug Tudor and Randy Edwards nonstory has been covered on this blog. The real story is Lori Edward had a bad fundraising quarter.
Labels: dennis ross, doug tudor, lori edwards
"If it doesn’t have to be a basketball player, George W. Bush. I would dunk on his ass, break the rim, and shatter the glass."
Labels: basketball, sports
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Labels: ben nelson, mary landrieu
Michael Wolff reports the feud between Fox News and the White House is making Roger Ailes nutty. How nutty, you ask? Ailes is talking about running for President in 2012. Wolff write Ailes floated the rumor about a presidential bid. Ailes will be 73 years-old in 2012. No one views Ailes as a candidate that would have a chance against Obama.
Before getting to my relative affection for Ailes, let me note that he will be 73 in 2012; he’s vastly overweight (and sensitive about it); he has health problems and can’t walk very well; he’s ghoulish looking; he’s deeply and nuttily paranoid (he discusses freely, albeit in lowered voice, the plans of radical Muslims to storm his house in New Jersey); and he may not be capable of doing 15 minutes without an offensive utterance.
Labels: fox news, white house
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will include the public option in the final health care bill. Reid announced Democrats are united.
“I’ve conclude with the support of the White House and Sens. Dodd and Baucus, that the best way to move forward is to include a public option with the op-out provision for states,” Reid said at a press conference.
Labels: gao, harry reid, health care, max baucus, olympia snowe
President Barack Obama visited the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Florida. The President spoke to pilots and sailors about Afghanistan. Obama did not reveal what his plans are for General Stanley A. McChrystal request for 40,000 more troops.
But Obama did not tip his hand on how he might decide.
"I will never rush the solemn decision of sending you into harm's way," he said.
Labels: afghanistan, jacksonville, president barack obama
Sen. Max Baucus has reiterated he supports the public option. In the Senate Finance Committee, Baucus said he voted against Sen. Chuck Schumer's public option amendment because there wasn't enough votes in the Senate. Majority Leader Harry Reid believes there are 60 votes to stop a Republican filibuster of the public option. Reid would only need 51 votes to pass a public option health care bill. ABC News reports Baucus got wind of Reid's plan and went ballistic.
This is not a done deal. I am told that Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) – who worked for months to get Olympia Snowe’s support for the bill and has consistently said a public option cannot pass the Senate – was apoplectic when Reid told him he wanted to include the public option. “Baucus went to DEFCON 1,” said a source familiar with the negotiations, referring to the alert level the military uses for an imminent attack on the homeland.
Labels: harry reid, health care, max baucus
Congressman Kendrick Meek endorses Alex Sink.
"I am pleased to endorse Congressman Kendrick Meek as a candidate for U.S. Senate. During his time in the state legislature, Kendrick worked diligently to improve Florida's schools. As a member of Congress, Kendrick has worked on behalf of Florida’s families, making his voice heard of issues of housing and providing economic opportunities for Floridians. He has been a strong advocate for Floridians in Congress and I am confident will continue to work tirelessly for the people of Florida as their next U.S. Senator."
Labels: alex sink, kendrick meek
Labels: al franken, health care
Labels: christian right, homosexuality, pat robertson
Labels: health care, roland burris
Senate candidate Kendrick Meek will be making campaign visits to Tampa and Orlando this weekend.
Labels: kendrick meek, orlando, tampa
It's really not news. It's pushing a point of view. And the bigger thing is that other news organizations like yours ought not to treat them that way, and we're not going to treat them that way. We're going to appear on their shows. We're going to participate but understanding that they represent a point of view."
From: John Moody
Date: 4/6/2004
The events in Iraq Tuesday are going to be the top story, unless and until something else (or worse) happens. Err on the side of doing too much Iraq rather than not enough. Do not fall into the easy trap of mourning the loss of US lives and asking out loud why are we there? The US is in Iraq to help a country brutalized for 30 years protect the gains made by Operation Iraqi Freedom and set it on the path to democracy. Some people in Iraq don't want that to happen. That is why American GIs are dying. And what we should remind our viewers.
Labels: bill o'reilly, brit hume, david axelrod, fox news, george stephanopoulos,
The LGBT advocacy group Equality Florida has endorsed Dan Gelber for Florida Attorney General.
"Our community has two friends in the Democratic primary race for attorney general, however Dan Gelber stands apart as someone who has used his political capital to truly lead on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues," Stratton Pollitzer, the group's chair, said in a written statement.
Labels: dan gelber, equality florida
Alan Grayson will be on Rachel Maddow's show tonight. Grayson's web has a health care page.
And the Republicans in Congress don't care. They have shown time and again that they lack compassion and common human decency. They supported President Bush's veto of children's health insurance and are satisfied with how the current system works.
But it's not working for most Americans.
Labels: alan grayson, facebook, rachel maddow
Richard Land was the keynote speaker at the Christian Coalition of Florida's "God and Country Banquet." Land told the crowd, the Obama administration's health care reform attempt is reminiscent of the of the Nazis.
“Let’s remember,” Land added, “the first 10,000 victims of the Holocaust were not Jews, they were mentally handicapped German children who were gassed and burned in ovens because they were considered to have … lives unworthy of life,” citing the Nazi ideology used to rationalize the Holocaust.
It was never my intention to equate the Obama administration’s healthcare reform proposals with anything related to the Holocaust. My concern, which is clear when the remarks are reviewed in context, was about the potential denial of healthcare to the elderly, the infirm, the disabled and the unborn.
Now that I have had the opportunity to speak with you personally and reflect on my words, I deeply regret the reference to Dr. Josef Mengele. I was using hyperbole for effect and never intended to actually equate anyone in the Obama administration with Dr. Mengele.
Labels: christian right, wingnuts
Labels: cat blogging
Just because you're poor doesn't mean you're unhealthy, it just means you have a lot more time to go running."
[Malkin's] total mindless, morally bankrupt, knee-jerk, fascistic hatred, without which Michelle Malkin would just be a big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it.
Labels: feminism, keith olbermann, meghan mccain, michelle malkin, sexism, young turks
Arianna Huffington tells Ron Reagan of Air America that Vice-President Joe Biden should resign in protest of U.S. troop increases to Afghanistan. Biden's opposition to Gen. Stanley McChrystal's 40,000 troop request earned him a Newsweek cover story. There was a fascinating exchange in the White House.
Joe Biden had a question. During a long Sunday meeting with President Obama and top national-security advisers on Sept. 13, the VP interjected, "Can I just clarify a factual point? How much will we spend this year on Afghanistan?" Someone provided the figure: $65 billion. "And how much will we spend on Pakistan?" Another figure was supplied: $2.25 billion. "Well, by my calculations that's a 30-to-1 ratio in favor of Afghanistan. So I have a question. Al Qaeda is almost all in Pakistan, and Pakistan has nuclear weapons. And yet for every dollar we're spending in Pakistan, we're spending $30 in Afghanistan. Does that make strategic sense?" The White House Situation Room fell silent. But the questions had their desired effect: those gathered began putting more thought into Pakistan as the key theater in the region.
Labels: afghanistan, air america, al-qaeda, arianna huffington, joe biden, lara logan, pakistan, ron reagan, taliban
The Randy Edwards campaign responds to the Doug Tudor press release. The Edwards response doesn't make clear whether he is retired or in active service. Tudor has demanded Edwards withdrawal from the race. Tudor accused Edwards of still being active in the Marine Corps. Edwards web site states he is retired.
Randy Edwards is a nineteen year resident of Florida. He and his wife, Sarita, are raising their two sons, Randolph II, and Nicholas, in Valrico. Randy recently retired as a Marine Corps intelligence officer after nearly 22 years and serving multiple combat tours in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia. During his Marine Corps career, Randy also served as a Legislative Assistant and Legislative Fellow in the United States Congress and helped provide disaster aid to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Randy graduated Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude from Morehouse College. He holds a masters degree from the National Defense Intelligence College.
Friends of Randy Edwards For Congress find that it is truly disheartening and sad for a career military member, such as Mr. Tudor, would attack a career combat Marine, Randy Edwards for political gain. Mr. Tudor claims are baseless and full of half truths and innuendo. The mere presence of Randy in the race for the 12th Congressional District clearly demonstrates that Mr. Tudor is very concerned about his political future. Friends of Randy Edwards for Congress are confident that Randy has been following the spirit and letter of Department of Defense Directives; he has not and will not direct campaign activities until it is permissible. Randy has attended certain Democratic club meetings, which is permissible under Department of Defense regulations (see paragraph: Friends of Randy Edwards for Congress only support Randy because he is one of the highest caliber individuals devoted to a lifetime of honor, courage, and commitment. Friends of Randy Edwards for Congress will continue to carry the fight until Randy is able speak out publicly on his own behalf.
Friends of Randy Edwards For Congress believe Mr. Tudor's actions clearly show why he is not "fit" to serve as the next representative of the 12th Congressional District and that the potential and promise of Randy's leadership is a threat to him.
Friends of Randy Edwards For Congress will not respond to any additional attacks from Mr. Tudor.
Excerpts from DODI 1344.10:
4.1.1. A member of the Armed Forces on active duty may: Register, vote, and express a personal opinion on political candidates and issues, but not as a representative of the Armed Forces. Promote and encourage others to exercise their voting franchise, if such promotion does not constitute use of their official authority or influence to interfere with the outcome of any election. Join a partisan or nonpartisan political club and attend its meetings when not in uniform, subject to the restrictions of subparagraph (See DoD Instruction 1334.1 (Reference (c).)
4.1.2. A member of the Armed Forces on active duty shall not: Serve in any official capacity with or be listed as a sponsor of a partisan political club.
Friends of Randy Edwards For Congress
Labels: doug tudor
ESPN reports the group vying to buy the St. Louis Rams is dropping conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh. St. Louis Blues owner Dave Checketts formed a group to raise the money to buy the Rams. Limbaugh has become toxic from past racist remarks made at black athletes.
"Sorry to say this, I don't think he's been that good from the get-go," Limbaugh said. "I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team."
"I, myself, couldn't even consider voting for him," Irsay said at today's NFL owners meetings. "When there are comments that have been made that are inappropriate, incendiary and insensitive... our words do damage, and it's something we don't need."
"This is not about the NFL, it's not about the St. Louis Rams, it's not about me," Limbaugh said. "This is about the ongoing effort by the left in this country, wherever you find them, in the media, the Democrat Party, or wherever, to destroy conservatism, to prevent the mainstreaming of anyone who is prominent as a conservative.
Labels: football, racism, rush limbaugh
![]() | Sonic Youth - Antenna | ![]() |
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Labels: mp3, music, sonic youth
The post "Doug Tudor Attacks Randy Edwards" has caused a shit storm with two campaigns and the Dem establishment. The post has brought several comments. The comment by IntelligenceSeeker nearly tops Bryan for all-time troll.
"Me thinks Hussey is a joker. A laugh a minute with the diversion antics of a Young Republican. I'm out.
"No knowledge to be gained here."
Labels: trolls
Gov. Charlie Crist's approval rating as dropped to 48 percent in the latest InsiderAdvantage poll. The disapproval rating is at 41 percent. Matt Towery, head of InsiderAdvantage was taken by surprise.
"It has been conventional wisdom based on prior polling that Gov. Crist was somehow immune to the more tepid approval ratings we have seen for other incumbents in large states facing significant challenges," he said.
1. What is your current political affiliation?
Republican: 41%
Democrat: 40%
Independent: 19%
2. What is your opinion of the job performance of Governor Charlie Crist?
Approve: 48%
Disapprove: 41%
No Opinion/Undecided: 11%
"I think we'll see now a better campaign," Meek said. "Voters want someone who will go to work for them every day."
Labels: charlie crist, kendrick meek
Democracy For America is hosting an online debrief and chat with Gov. Howard Dean tomorrow. The focus of the chat will be the Public Option Plus for Americans over 50 plan.
Labels: howard dean
This is incredible. Doug Tudor is publicly urging Randy Edwards to drop out of the Florida District 12 Congressional race. Tudor contends the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 92 restricts Edwards from campaigning. Edwards is retired from the Marine Corps. Furthermore, Tudor doesn't produce any evidence to support his claims.
Subject: Press Release from Doug Tudor for U.S. Congress
October 14, 2009
For Immediate Release
Doug Tudor
Doug Tudor for U.S. Congress
Edwards Candidacy Called Into Question
Democratic U.S. House candidate Doug Tudor publicly called on fellow candidate Randy Edwards to withdraw from the race for the open seat in Florida's 12th Congressional District.
Tudor claimed, "By actively campaigning, speaking to groups, and requesting monetary contributions to his campaign, Major Edwards is in clear violation of Department of Defense Directives regarding political activities by members of the Armed Forces."
Over the course of the past week, Edwards addressed various gatherings of Democrats. He did so at the Florida Democratic Party's annual conference in Orlando this past weekend, as well as speaking to the Polk County Democratic Executive Committee in Bartow on Monday night and the East Hillsborough County Democratic Club in Brandon on Tuesday night. At each event, Edwards declared that is still on active duty in the U.S. Marine Corps, and he solicited monetary contributions to his campaign.
"Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of military regulations knows that having a strict ban on military members injecting themselves into partisan politics is vital to the sanctity of America's civilian-led military," said Tudor. He continued, "As a retired Navy Master Chief, it disturbed me to see an active-duty Marine officer trying to gain such an important office, who either didn't know any better or deliberately violated the regulations."
Edwards was granted a waiver signed by the Secretary of the Navy, which clearly stated that while he could file for candidacy, he was restricted from "open and active campaigning and all behind-the-scenes activities."
Though Edwards' infractions are punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 92, "Failure to Obey Order or Regulation," Tudor stated, "I don't want to see this junior officer punished. I just want to ensure that the political autonomy of our nation's great military isn't called into question, whether by intent or by ignorance."
The regulation governing "Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces" is Department of Defense Directive Number 1344.10 dated February 19, 2008. It is available on the web.
The regulation governing "Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces" is Department of Defense Directive Number 1344.10 dated February 19, 2008. It is available on the web.
Labels: doug tudor
Erick Erickson is mad at Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe for voting for the Senate Finance Committee health care reform bill. Given the choice being a constructive activist or behaving like a clown, Erickson chose the latter.
Labels: erick erickson, john cole, olympia snowe,
Labels: michael steele
"But they've now hoisted themselves on their own insured petard. They've exposed themselves. If they had to compete with a public insurance plan, they couldn't get away with this threat. They couldn't pass on the extra costs. They'd have to compete with a public insurance option that forced them to give consumers the best deals possible.
Labels: health care, robert reich
Labels: lindsey graham, tea baggers, video
Sen. Bill Nelson said he prefers a "trigger" over the public option.
"I think it ought to be available in all markets, each of the states," Nelson said. "The idea is, let the free market competition really determine what the rates are."
Labels: bill nelson, health care
Tom Waits is allowing fans to hear a free preview of his live album Glitter and Doom. Register your email address and audio tracks will be sent to your inbox.
Tom Tomorrow has a fantastic comic on how the Left and Right project their hopes and fears into President Obama. The reality is the President hasn't been in office long enough to make significant change.
Labels: humor, tom tomorrow
"I think it's a really well-coached football team. We were prepared for all the blitzes, all the looks we'd get. Everything we saw, we knew we would get. Any time you put yourself in position to have double-teams on guys, and their guys make plays, it means they're a better football team, talentwise."
Labels: football
Labels: humor, oprah winfrey, video
Erick Erickson has a history of making extremist quotes. Erickson can not make a coherent argument. On, Erickson defended waterboarding as not torture by describing the interrogation procedure as torture.
"See, I actually don't think waterboarding is torture. I understand McCain's postion on that. I don't think it is. I don't think it puts their life in jeopardy when they're tortured."
We must not allow the left, working on behalf of our enemies, to lead Barack Obama down this most dangerous road. The best way to stop that is for the current President to deny any ability to prosecute American heros who have kept us safe for eight years.
"Linda Douglass really is the Joseph Goebbels of the White House Health Care shop:"
Labels: erick erickson, racism,, wingnut
Labels: debbie wasserman schultz, young turks
"You’re exactly right. We’ve lost a lot of freedom in America. People just don’t understand how much we’ve lost. I believe the First Amendment and the Second Amendment are the cornerstones of freedom, and we’ve lost a lot of our rights, the Second Amendment. In fact, I’m chairman of the Second Amendment Task Force fighting for Second Amendment rights. Those gun rights are actually critical to prevent treason in America, and we must know. These First Amendment Rights, our freedom of speech and all the other things that are going on are just absolutely awful.
Politico reports of friction between Majority Leader Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi on Afghanistan. Reid told reporters Democrats will support whatever troop level policy President Barack Obama backs. Television cameras recorded Pelosi moving away from Reid and rolling her eyes. I'm not sure if Pelosi reacted because of Reid's blanket endorsement for Obama's Afghistan policy or she was creeped out by being touched by Reid.
Pelosi insisted Wednesday that it wasn’t so, telling POLITICO that she was “not upset,” adding: “I don’t know where you would have heard such a thing.”
Labels: afghanistan, harry reid, nancy pelosi
Gov. Charlie Crist raised $2.4 million for the third fundraising quarter. Crist has $6.2 million on-hand for his Senate campaign. Marco Rubio's spokeman Alex Burgos attempted to spin away Crist's fundraising advantage.
Rubio campaign spokesman Alex Burgos responded to the numbers in a statement to TPM: "Money can't wipe away Charlie Crist's record of support for wasteful stimulus spending, historic tax increases and cap-and-trade. We're going to make sure he spends every last cent trying."
Labels: charlie crist, marco rubio