Friday, October 16, 2009

Walk of Shame: Richard Land

Richard Land was the keynote speaker at the Christian Coalition of Florida's "God and Country Banquet." Land told the crowd, the Obama administration's health care reform attempt is reminiscent of the of the Nazis.

“Let’s remember,” Land added, “the first 10,000 victims of the Holocaust were not Jews, they were mentally handicapped German children who were gassed and burned in ovens because they were considered to have … lives unworthy of life,” citing the Nazi ideology used to rationalize the Holocaust.

Land went further off the rails on the crazy train, by comparing Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the White House chief healthcare advisor to Josef Mengele. Emanuel is jewish. The comparison is outrageously idiotic. The Anti-Defamation League took Land to task and he is now backtracking. Land's apology letter doesn't pass the laugh test.

It was never my intention to equate the Obama administration’s healthcare reform proposals with anything related to the Holocaust. My concern, which is clear when the remarks are reviewed in context, was about the potential denial of healthcare to the elderly, the infirm, the disabled and the unborn.

It was Land's intention to compare the Obama administration to the Nazis. There was no other reason for Land to use such rhetoric. Wingnuts love making such outragous statements amongst themselves. They won't defend their views publicly.

Now that I have had the opportunity to speak with you personally and reflect on my words, I deeply regret the reference to Dr. Josef Mengele. I was using hyperbole for effect and never intended to actually equate anyone in the Obama administration with Dr. Mengele.

Land gave a speech comparing Emanuel to Josef Mengele. We are to believe he didn't intend to give that speech. I have written thousands of posts on this blog. Would anyone believe I never intended to pen those posts? Land will do the walk of shame. If Land wants people to believe he learned his lesson then argue positions based on facts. Inflammatory rehetoric is a cheap way to try to win an argument.

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At October 18, 2009 10:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Hussey,

I have followed Dr. Land's career for many years. He is a man of great character and a wonderful Christian man. We all know that this whole issue is a meager attempt to divert public attention away from an atrocious health care bill. I may not agree with Dr. Land's hyperbole, but I certainly believe that theis health care bill should be submitted to a true litmus test. This should be scrapped as a failure.

At October 20, 2009 5:55 AM , Blogger tas said...

He is a man of great character and a wonderful Christian man.

Ahhh yes, and that's why he's comparing a health care bill to the Holocaust, and thus instigating that the left is full of Nazis.

If Dr. Land is a "man of great character," I'd like to know your definition of "character". If Dr. Land is a "wonderful Christian," then I ask what Jesus would think of his rhetoric. Because Dr. Land certainly doesn't sound like he's spouting the platitudes of the Sermon on the Mount.

At October 21, 2009 1:41 PM , Blogger sepherim said...

Richard Land needs to take up residence on the "walk of shame." He has wedded himself to the worst wing of the republican party, using his position to baptize every plank in their platform. If you have followed the ERLC's discussion of health care, it is most often a simple cut and paste job from RNC materials. This latest despicable comment is further evidence that someone in the SBC needs to wake up and realize what is going on at the ERLC.


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