Thursday, October 08, 2009

Quote of the Day

"You’re exactly right. We’ve lost a lot of freedom in America. People just don’t understand how much we’ve lost. I believe the First Amendment and the Second Amendment are the cornerstones of freedom, and we’ve lost a lot of our rights, the Second Amendment. In fact, I’m chairman of the Second Amendment Task Force fighting for Second Amendment rights. Those gun rights are actually critical to prevent treason in America, and we must know. These First Amendment Rights, our freedom of speech and all the other things that are going on are just absolutely awful.

"I’ve gotten to be good friends with Justice Antonin Scalia, who he and Justice Clarence Thomas are the only ones who have any concept of what the Constitution is supposed to be and, and do what they’re supposed to do as justices by upholding the Constitution. But, in fact every, when I was sworn into the Marine Corp, I was sworn to uphold the Constitution against every enemy, foreign and domestic. We’ve got a lot of domestic enemies of the Constitution (applause) and one of those sits in the speaker’s chair of the United States Congress, Nancy Pelosi."

Rep. Paul Broun, at a September 28 yownhall meeting.

Broun is accusing Nancy Pelosi of treason and urging gun owners to shoot Madam Speaker. This isn't a 9-12 Project tea bagger. This is a United States Congressman urging people to shoot a fellow member of Congress.


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