Billie Holiday - Am I Blue
Labels: health care, jay rockefeller, keith olbermann
Chuck Todd asked Press Sec. Robert Gibbs about the failure to pass the public option in the Senate Finance Committee. Helen Thomas asked Gibbs was asked why isn't Obama "fighting" for the public option. Gibbs would only say that the President supports choice and competition. Gibbs would not promise the President demanding a public option.
Q Health care — yesterday the Senate Finance Committee voted down two different versions of the public option, and I don’t believe we’ve heard from the White House officially on how — is this — is the President disappointed that the Senate — that no public option has made it through Senate Finance Committee, since this is something that he’s –
MR. GIBBS: I would say — I would reiterate what the President said in front of the joint session of Congress — it’s a proposal he favors in getting choice and competition. We’re working with all in Congress to figure out how best to provide that choice and competition. You’ve got one bill right now that doesn’t include a public option; you have four bills that do. This is part of the legislative process in reconciling all these ideas.
Q So why doesn’t he fight for it?
MR. GIBBS: We’re fighting for choice and competition and –
Q But not the public option.
MR. GIBBS: — and trying to get — go ahead.
Q Max Baucus said his reason for voting against it is that he could count votes — sort of implying — I guess he was trying to imply that he’s supportive of the idea, but because it didn’t have the votes he didn’t want to vote for it in committee. Does the President share that sort of same mind-set as Senator Baucus, that you can be — you’re not going to get everything you want, so — he supports it, but if the votes aren’t there, the votes aren’t there?
MR. GIBBS: Again, the most important thing — and you’ve heard the President say this — the most important thing is choice in competition; that in the individual and small business insurance market, if you have a geographic region that’s dominated by only one entity, you tend not to have — you certainly don’t have choice and it tends not to breed competition. We will work with Congress to find the best option for how to do that.
Q But you’re not going to sign a bill that doesn’t have something that in your mind — take your state of Alabama example — if Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama has still got 90 percent of the market, then you’re not signing that bill?
MR. GIBBS: The President I think has made it extremely clear that without choice and competition you won’t have health reform. We will ensure that whatever is passed in health reform meets that obligation.
Labels: chuck todd, health care, helen thomas, robert gibbs
Conservative columnist John Derbyshire argues to Alan Colmes that America would have been better if the women's suffrage movement failed. Derbyshire feels so strongly about this his book "We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism" has a section called “The Case Against Female Suffrage.”
DERBYSHIRE: Among the hopes that I do not realistically nurse is the hope that female suffrage will be repealed. But I’ll say this – if it were to be, I wouldn’t lose a minute’s sleep.
COLMES: We’d be a better country if women didn’t vote?
DERBYSHIRE: Probably. Don’t you think so?
COLMES: No, I do not think so whatsoever.
DERBYSHIRE: Come on Alan. Come clean here [laughing].
COLMES: We would be a better country? John Derbyshire making the statement, we would be a better country if women did not vote.
DERBYSHIRE: Yeah, probably.
DERBYSHIRE: The 1964 Civil Rights Act? I think there is a case for repealing it.
COLMES: Why would you repeal that?
DERBYSHIRE: Because I think that you shouldn’t try to force people to be good.
Name any universal characteristic of human nature, including cognitive and personality characteristics. Of all the observed variation in that characteristic, about half is caused by genetic differences. You may say that is only a half victory; but it is a complete shattering of the nurturist absolutism that ruled in the human sciences 40 years ago, and that is still the approved dogma in polite society, including polite political society, today.
This book presented strong evidence that genes play a role in intelligence but linked it to the unsupported claim that genes explain the small but consistent black-white difference in IQ. The juxtaposition of good argument with a bad one seemed politically motivated, and persuasive refutations soon appeared. Actually, African-Americans have excelled in virtually every enriched environment they have been placed in, most of which they were previously barred from, and this in only the first decade or two of improved but still not equal opportunity. It is likely that the real curves for the two races will one day be superimposable on each other, but this may require decades of change and different environments for different people. Claims about genetic potential are meaningless except in light of this requirement.
Even more offensive to the political Left was the book's retailing of some facts, well-known among psychometrists of all political persuasions, about the different statistical profiles presented by different common-ancestry groups when given standardized psychometric tests en masse. Groups of Ashkenazi-Jewish ancestry present very high means; groups of East Asian ancestry somewhat lower means; groups of white European-gentile ancestry lower still; and groups of black-African ancestry much lower yet. (Other common-ancestry groups scatter around the map, with their means mostly falling mostly between the black African and white European-gentile values. There are also differences in the standard deviations — the "spreads" — of the distributions, though these attract less interest because they require more math to understand.)
None of this is controversial among researchers. The results have been replicated thousands of times, all over the world, with every imaginable kind of control in place, and every conceivable objection factored in. Hypotheses about the test results being false on various grounds were decisively refuted decades ago, though they linger on as urban legends. Are the statistical differences produced by class bias? No: If your test-takers are drawn only from a narrow family-income band, the statistical differences are still there. Are they biased by ignorance on points of cultural experience? No: as Herrnstein and Murray describe at length, the statistical differences in scores are "wider on items that appear to be culturally neutral than on items that appear to be culturally loaded. And so on. These differences in statistical profiles are, as a sociologist of my acquaintance once remarked, as well established as the orbit of the Moon. To deny them, you have to deny the validity of psychometry altogether, or take refuge in pseudoscientific "hidden variable" hocus-pocus like the currently trendy though scientifically hilarious "stereotype threat" theory.
Labels: alan colmes, charle muray, feminism, john derbyshire, racism, richard herrnstein, voting, xenophobia
ACORN is being publicly denounced by Sen. David Vitter.
“It’s certainly not news to anyone that ACORN has been the subject of some controversy over the past year, and last year’s presidential election brought to light evidence of ACORN chapters engaging in fraudulent voter registration activities,” added Vitter. “They are currently under federal investigation, and this is simply not the sort of organization that should be funded by taxpayer dollars.”
Labels: acorn, crew, david vitter, humor, tina dupuy, tyler cowen, video
“Second, the bill sends hundreds of millions of dollars to people who do not pay federal income taxes, including residents of Puerto Rico and territories like Guam. I do not believe American taxpayer funds should be sent to foreign citizens who do not pay taxes. Americans want an economic stimulus for Dunnellon, Brooksville and Clermont, not for San Juan or Hagatna. As the legislation moves forward, it must be changed to ensure that only federal taxpaying American citizens receive rebate checks."
“I have to go up to total strangers, ask them for money and get them to expect me to be there when they need me. What does that sound like to you?”
Labels: ginny brown-waite, health care, wingnuts
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
CRIST: Well, I see it because I think back in '76... when Jimmy Carter got elected. I think people were in a mood for change. Clearly, they were. We were coming off the Nixon years and Gerald Ford had inherited that. The people wanted a change from what they had seen before and they had elected then Go. Carter president.
I think the same thing existed last year, in our political climate. I think that people wanted change. Obviously, President Obama, to his credit, and to his campaign's credit, tapped into that in a very effective way and was elected. I think change is what people wanted. I don't think this kind of change is exactly what they expected. I think government has grown too much, too fast, too far and I think there is maybe a little buyer's remorse by some.
Labels: charlie crist, foreclosures, morning joe
"It’s up to all of us to say these arguments advanced by Cheney and his acolytes are nonsense and that really what they’re doing is undermining our national security by delaying the date at which Guantanamo is closed."
Labels: brig. gen. james cullen, dick cheney, guantanamo bay
Labels: groundlings, humor, kristen wiig, melinda hill, theatre, video
HARKIN: I believe that when we merge these two bills, we will have a public option in there that we will take to the floor of the Senate and we're going to pass it.
SCHULTZ: Well, okay, so despite what happened in the Senate Finance Committee today, you think you've got the votes to get a public option coming out of the Senate? Cause I'm not so worried about the House anymore and I think the American people, I mean, this is gonna be reported, all the talking heads are gonna say, "Hey, public option is dead." I need to have some confidence tonight with you, Senator Harkin, that you think you can get these votes out of the Senate.
HARKIN: Well here's one thing I will guarantee you, Ed, and I will tell you again as I've told you before -- we will have a bill on the President's desk before Christmas and it will have a public option.
SCHULTZ: Well that's what the American people want to hear. Now ...
HARKIN: I know it and most of the doctors want it, 73% of the doctors polled want a public option, uh, sixty-some percent of the American people want a public option and the vast majority of Democrats, over fifty in the United States Senate, also want a public option.
SCHULTZ: Okay now, are you going to have to go reconciliation? You're not going to get sixty at this point are you?
HARKIN: Well, I wouldn't give up on that yet. I still think that we can get sixty votes to bring the bill on the floor of the Senate. And then we'll have amendments and then we'll have, probably have to have a cloture on the bill to bring it to a close. Now that will be the tough vote. I still believe that we can get the sixty votes for that.
SCHULTZ: Okay, what about ...
HARKIN: But if we don't, Ed, if we don't, we're going to go to reconciliation. As I said to you, and as I say to the American people, we will have this bill on the President's desk by Christmas, one way or the other.
* a provision that mitigates direct effects attributable to a second provision which changes outlays or revenue when the provisions together produce a net reduction in outlays;
* the provision will result in a substantial reduction in outlays or a substantial increase in revenues during fiscal years after the fiscal years covered by the reconciliation bill;
* the provision will likely reduce outlays or increase revenues based on actions that are not currently projected by CBO for scorekeeping purposes; or
* such provision will likely produce significant reduction in outlays or increase in revenues, but due to insufficient data such reduction or increase cannot be reliably estimated.
Labels: bill clinton, ed Schultz, health care, robert byrd, senate committee on finance, tom harkin
Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo.
Labels: humor, president barack obama, video
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi just ran this tweet.
Photo: Americans Support A Public Option
JINDAL: Absolutely. Well, let`s start first of all -- Neil, across this country, I think the debate`s over. I think the American people have spoken loudly. they have said they don`t want a government- run plan that increases their taxes, that increases government spending.
Third, if we`re serious about driving down the cost of health care, let`s address the cost of defensive medicine. Frivolous lawsuits, one study says, could cost as much as $100 billion a year. I think it`s telling neither of these plans really have significant reforms.
Labels: bobby jindal, cbo, fox news, health care, nancy pelosi, tort reform, twitter
Sen. Bill Nelson voted against the Jay Rockefeller amendment. Nelson did vote for the watered down public option amendment authored by Chuck Schumer.
"It seems to me that this is very important that we have this competition. It has all safeguards in it ..." Nelson said.
You make people afraid of opposing you or you get them rewarded for helping you. There's no fear for opposing Obama's public option, and the reward is for opposing it. Right now, Republicans feel no political exposure from opposing the president's health-care initiative.
Labels: bill nelson, blanche lincoln, chuck schumer, ezra klein, jay rockefeller, kent conrad, lindsey graham, max baucus, president barack obama, tom carper
Max Baucus just announced he won't for Chuck Schumer's public option amendment because it won't get 60 votes. It certainly won't get 60 votes if one of the members of the Democratic caucus votes against the amendment. That one Senator would be Mr. Baucus. Open Secrets lists Baucus's campaign contributions from the insurance industry at $558,075 and pharmaceutical companies at $507,313. These corporations are Baucus's true constituents.
Labels: chuck schumer, health care, jay rockefeller, max baucus
In 2001, Maj. Gen. Michael Lehnert was in charge of detainee treatment at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Lehnert attempted to have Marine security personel honor the Geneva Conventions. Former Se. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld opposed Lehnert's efforts. Lehnert told Tony Perry of the Los Angeles Times Guantanamo Bay hurt America's international standing.
"I think we lost the moral high ground," Lehnert said. "For those who do not think much of the moral high ground, that is not that significant.
"But for those who think our standing in the international community is important, we need to stand for American values. You have to walk the walk, talk the talk."
"I think we should close it down," he said. "I think the information we're getting is not worth the international beating we're taking."
Labels: donald rumsfeld, guantanamo bay, michael lehnert
The conservative How To Take Back America Conference had the panel "How to recognize living under Nazis & Communists." Host Janet Porter wrote a glowing and surreal profile on speaker Kitty Werthmann, in the column "Austria in the '30s: Mirror to America." Porter paints a portrait of America that is far from reality. This is not surprising, Porter is a World Net Daily columnist.
The government takeover of the schools immediately replaced crucifixes with pictures of Hitler and Nazi flags. "All religious instruction was replaced with physical education," said Werthmann. No prayer was allowed. That all happened here decades ago. It is interesting, however, that Obama's speech to the captive audience in the government schools – complete with the essay assignment about how students could help him achieve his political goals – was replaced once the American people got wind of it. And speaking of government control of education, if the Senate agrees, all student loans will be government issued, according to a bill that passed the House last week.
If we had our guns, we would have fought a bloody battle. So, keep your guns, and buy more guns, and buy ammunition. [...] Take back America. Don’t let them take the country into Socialism. And I refer again, Hitler’s party was National Socialism. [...] And that’s what we are having here right now, which is bordering on Marxism.
Labels: janet porter, kitty werthmann, wingnuts, world net daily, young turks
""We have expressed concern about the number of Venezuelan arms purchases.They outpace all other countries in South America... And certainly raise questions as to whether there is going to be an arms race in the region."
Labels: hillary clinton, Venezuela
I previously blogged about Charlie (one term Governor) Crist, at Republican Leadership Conference, insinuating Barack Obama would be a one term president Crist also told the huge whopper that he lowered unemployment and cut taxes.
Crist said Florida, much like Michigan, was plagued by high unemployment before he took over, cut spending, slashed taxes and focused on job creation. "Less taxing, less spending, less government, more freedom," Crist said. The conference continues through Sunday.
"We are in trouble," Sink told the St Petersburg Times. "We're writing checks like crazy and the money isn't coming in."
Labels: alex sink, charlie crist, education, florida, unemployment
CFO Alex Sink wrote a letter to Charlie Crist urging him to convene the Clemency Board. Sink wants a review of 13 ex-offender whom might have been given restoration of their rights without proper review. Sink is pressing for the former offenders to have their rights (such as voting) stripped again.
September 28, 2009
The Honorable Charlie Crist
Governor, State of Florida
The Capitol, 400 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
Dear Governor Crist:
At the September 24, 2009 clemency meeting, I raised the issue of the thirteen ex-offenders that were wrongfully granted restoration of their civil rights. These cases were brought to our attention as part of the Auditor General’s Operational Audit of the Parole Commission’s restoration of civil rights process. As noted in the report, these ex-offenders either did not meet clemency rule eligibility requirements or were evaluated at an inappropriate eligibility level by the parole commission staff.
While I am cognizant of the hard work of the Parole Commission and the enormous amount of cases they are processing in light of budgetary restrictions, I feel we have an obligation to correct these mistakes in a timely manner that have been brought to our attention. That is why I urge you to convene a meeting of the Clemency Board during the October 13 Cabinet meeting to take up corrective proposals.
Furthermore, I would request the Chairman of the Parole Commission report at the next scheduled Clemency Board meeting on December 10 on all corrective action the Parole Commission is implementing to ensure these errors will not continue to occur.
As each office begins their review of the circumstances regarding these particular cases, I wanted to lay out my recommendations on how the Clemency Board should handle this matter. Given that these thirteen cases fall within four categories, I have outlined my recommendations for corrective action within each of these categories below:
Cases Involving Disqualifying Offenses (3 cases): Three of the ex-offenders had disqualifying offenses, including aggravated battery and statutory rape. I recommend that these clemency orders be immediately rescinded.
Cases Involving Active Warrants for Arrest (3 cases): Three of the ex-offenders have active warrants, which is a disqualifying factor. The warrants involved a host of offenses, including trespassing, indecent exposure, theft and petit larceny. I recommend that these clemency orders be immediately rescinded.
Cases with Outstanding Restitution (5 cases): Five of the ex-offenders owed restitution as part of their sentence. I recommend that these five ex-offenders receive a letter from the Clemency Board acknowledging the Parole Commission’s mistake in granting restoration of civil rights and providing them 60 days to pay their outstanding restitution. Those that fail to pay their restitution within this 60-day window should have their clemency orders rescinded.
Cases Involving Those Currently Incarcerated (2 cases): Two of the thirteen ex-offenders are currently serving life sentences, therefore no action from the Clemency Board is necessary.
I feel it is important for the safety of our citizens and in the best interest of our state to reverse the error of giving rights to these thirteen ex-offenders who did not qualify, while at the same time recognizing the differing circumstances of these cases. I believe my recommendations allow for this, and hope that you will call a meeting of the Clemency Board on October 13 so that we are able to move these actions.
I continue to join with you in support of a second chance for those who qualify under the established rules and have paid their debt to society.
Alex Sink
cc: The Honorable Bill McCollum, Attorney General
The Honorable Charles Bronson, Commission of Agriculture
Labels: alex sink, clemency board, crimes
Politico reports Joe Lieberman is joking about running as a Republican in 2012. Lieberman thought about joining the Republican Senate Caucus after the 2008 elections. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell could not offer a former Democrat a chairmanship. Conservatives do not like Lieberman on social issues. Lieberman and the GOP would be a weird marriage.
Labels: joe lieberman, poll, richard blumenthal
Incoming Florida House Speaker Dean Cannon is aggressively pushing for drilling off the coast of Florida. Cannon went as far as to tell Visit Florida, the state agency to promote tourism, that offshore drilling will not hinder tourism. If you really believe that then find ten people who went to to beach in Houston, Texas.
An underwater pipeline owned by Shell leaked 58,000 gallons of crude oil. The spill occurred 30 miles off the Louisiana coast.
"We don't see it (offshore drilling) as safe within 30 miles of the coast," said Skrob, executive director of the Tallahassee-based Florida Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus.
Labels: dean cannon, offshore drilling, visit florida
Labels: carrie prejean, christian right, homosexuality
Gov. Charlie Crist spoke at the Republican Leadership Conference. Crist suggested President Barack Obama will be vulnerable in 2012.
“I think the people wanted a change. They wanted a change back in 1976. You remember? Richard Nixon had been president. That ended. Gerald Ford took over. The people decided they wanted a change. They got one-Jimmy Carter. Four years later, they took care of business-Ronald Reagan. It may happen again.”
``BUDGET CHAIRMAN'S WARNING. Please Remove All Standard Issue E.O.G. [Executive Office of the Governor] Rose Colored Glasses Prior to Entering Suite. Failure to do so May Cause Severe Economic Pain to the People of Florida.''
Labels: charlie crist
"I was against the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage nation-wide, and I still think that the American people should be able to play this out in debates. But me, Bill Clinton personally, I changed my position.
Labels: bill clinton, gay marriage
Our national discussion these days would seem to focus, to a large (and, I'd argue, important) degree, on racism and the scope to which it is undermining the debate over President Obama's policy proposals. Most salient among these--of late--is the president's ambitious and Herculean effort to reform America's healthcare system.
What if white, country-boy Kanye West had interrupted African-American, R&B singer Taylor Swift? Would this switcheroo have changed public sentiment after their now-infamous interaction at the VMAs?Switching the race of the interruptor and interruptee--without also noting the very different histories of the behavior of each race toward the other--renders this point kind of, well, pointless. For the sake of argument, let's simplify the comparison thus: as it actually transpired, a member of a historically oppressed class interrupted, and thus upstaged, a member of the oppressor class. If the scenario had instead involved a member of the oppressor class interrupting, and thus upstaging, a member of the oppressed class, could it have been interpreted as a racially-motivated act?
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
The Word - Blackwashing | ||||
Labels: glenn beck, katie couric
Former Congressman Mark Foley discusses his new radio show "Inside the Mind of Mark Foley." I see a reality show in Foley's future.
Labels: mark foley, video
Labels: lily allen, mp3, music
I really wonder if Log Cabin Republicans understand how much their own party hates them. The Republican Party does not believe gays and lesbians have the right to serve in the military or marry. That does not stop Log Cabin Republicans from backing a party that treats them with utter contempt.
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL. -- The Sunshine Republicans – GOProud strongly condemn the words of Nancy Pelosi last week invoking the assassination of Harvey Milk in the 1970s. Pelosi’s statement is unproductive to conversation and hyper-political. While wildly over-dramatizing the nature and spirit of Americans attending tea parties and town halls in non-violent protest, Pelosi’s own rhetoric insinuates that concerned Americans are both anti-gay and irresponsible. That is very dangerous language indeed from the speaker of the house.
Pelosi said, “I think we all have to take responsibility for our actions and our words. This balance between freedom and safety is one that we have to carefully balance. I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw – I saw this myself in the late ‘70s in San Francisco, this kind of rhetoric was very frightening and it created a climate in which violence took place and so I wish that we would all again curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements that are made, understanding some of the ears it’s falling on are not as balanced as the person making the statement.”
The speaker’s remarks appear to be based purely on politics. Despite her alleged concern over political rhetoric, Pelosi has a long history of supporting non-violent demonstration when her own leadership is not in question. The short memory of the speaker neglects to inform you that she herself has encouraged vigorous protest when politically convenient for her own gain. During the Bush Administration for example, Pelosi often encouraged dissenters to speak up.
At a town hall in her home district in January 2006, Pelosi greeted anti-war protestors by saying “I understand your anger” and “I am a big fan of disruptors. Nothing could be more American.” Anti-war protestors approached the stage where Pelosi was addressing the group and held their signs just below the congresswoman. They were warmly greeted, “I’m fan of disruptors&hellip people who make change.” She closed her town hall with reassuring sentiment: “Let’s not question each other’s patriotism when we have this very honest debate that our country expects and deserves.”
Flash forward to 2009. On April 15th, Pelosi described tax day tea parties as “Astroturf” and denied any real grassroots concern over the way government spends our money. Speaker Pelosi joined Majority Leader Steny Hoyer in August to call the continuing protests over a government takeover of health care “anti-American”. She has consistently supported public opposition to any ideas or policies contrary to her own, though she is quick to question the motives of those who speak out against her. Last week, Pelosi stooped to a new low by slyly insinuating that concerned, patriotic Americans might lash out violently against homosexuals as a way of channeling their frustrations.
Not only are the speaker’s words regrettable and completely unfair, they are also alarming examples of exactly the same type of dangerous rhetoric that she supposedly wants to see toned down. The Sunshine Republicans – GOProud call on Pelosi to take her own advice and accept responsibility for her words. We strongly urge her to retract her dangerous and unfounded implications immediately and ask that she clarify that nonviolent protest is a welcome, responsible, and patriotic way to show dissent in America.
“You cannot say that the President of the United States … hates all white people. You cannot call the President of the United States a racist. You cannot wallow in conspiracy theories — as [Beck] did for about a month — suggesting that FEMA might be setting up concentration camps and going on Fox & Friends and saying. ‘I can’t disprove it.’ … You can’t stir up that type of hatred … and then say, ‘Oh, I’m just a rodeo clown,’” said Scarborough on his program.
Labels: homosexuality, joe scarborough, lgbt, log cabin republicans, nancy pelosi
I am getting tired of Rahm Emanuel trying to kill the public option. Emanuel told the Wall Street Journal the public option wasn't necessary for a health care bill. Emanuel told Charlie Rose the Senate won't pass a bill with the public option. Translation: the White House doesn't support a public option. The White House would be more aggressive for a public option if President Obama really supported it.
"I think the Senate's been clear what the prospects [are]," Emanuel said. "That doesn't mean in the House, they're not gonna come to the table and demand it."
Emanuel is "wrong, because of this: Not every Democrat right now would prefer the public option in the Senate ... but no Democrat in the end is going to vote against a procedural question to kill the health care bill," he said.
"The 60 Democrats will stay together on procedural questions and then, on final passage, some may vote against it because it's got a public option. But I don't see that," he said. Brown added that at least 50 Democrats in the Senate support the public option.
Labels: bill tauzin, crew, health care, karen ignagni, poll, rahm emanuel, sherrod brown, stephen hemsley
PourMeCoffee notices Andrew Sullivan's uncanny resemblance to a famous celebrity.
Labels: andrew sullivan, humor
"Glenn Beck for President! Joe Wilson for VP!"
Labels: glenn beck, rep joe wilson, twitter
The latest Public Policy Polling reveals President Barack Obama crushes the most promising 2012 Republican challengers. Former Gov. Jeb Bush polls a point below Sarah Palin. Polls have a margin of error and Palin's unfavorability is higher than Bush's. Polling at Palin's level is still embarrassing. Bush has his work cut out for him, if he plans to run.
General Election Matchups:
Obama 53 - Palin 38
Obama 50 - J. Bush 37
Obama 48 - Huckabee 41
Obama 48 - Romney 39
Favorability Ratings:
Palin 37 / 55
Huckabee 38 / 36
J. Bush 22 / 45
Romney 33 / 38
No sense in being coy about it. We’re not meeting our goal. In fact, the fundraising for these four sucks.
I know cash is tight, but unless conservatives are willing to step up to the plate, we’re not going to get these guys elected and, frankly, the establishment of the Republican Party will keep ignoring us.
Let’s be honest. One of the reasons the left is so head over heels in love with the online left is because of the moonbat ability to turn on the cash. Even Ron Paul’s followers do better than conservatives.
Yes, yes, we can go to the polls in droves, etc., but cash is king in politics. And if we want to be taken seriously, we need to step up to the plate. I know that hacks some of you off. Every time I write stuff like this I get dozens of angry emails from people suffering due to Barack Obama’s economy. I get it. But you need to get it too — you want to change the Republican Party and have a seat at the table, you’ve got to launch a coup against the establishment. And the best way to do that at the present time is support these candidates who are running against the establishment.
Right now, we’ve got 15 days left and we’re no where close to meeting the $250,000.00 goal. If you can’t give, consider at least putting up the widget on your own site or asking other sites to host the widget too.
Labels: erick erickson, jeb bush, mike huckabee, mitt romney, poll, president barack obama, sarah palin
Labels: joe scarborough, mike barnicle, morning joe
Ana Maie Cox did a radio play of the ACORN sting operation. The The actors are intentionally miscast. Ana Marie Cox plays the pimp. Rick Klein is the prostitute. Christina Bellantoni is the ACORN loan officer.
Labels: acorn, ana marie cox, humor
Beth Reinhard of the Miami Herald got special access to Charlie Crist and report the Governor's relentless fundraising pace. Crist will wake sleeping potential donors and call on federal holidays. Crist raised $4.3 million in the first 50 days of his Senate campaign.
Labels: charlie crist, marco rubio
"It was impossible to talk to him about anything without reference to how to bring it into the show. I never once saw any evidence that he could turn it off. In that sense he was a one-dimensional person. But he was great at being a grandstanding, pompous idiot and shaking the brushes for attention."
Labels: glenn beck, video
Gov. Charlie Crist promotes low wage Burger King jobs as the way to restart Florida's economy.
``They provide an awful lot of jobs for people in Florida and that's really the point,'' Crist said after meeting with top executives. ``It's the economy, economy, economy, and any time I have the opportunity to visit a great Florida company that's international in scope and that really represents Miami and provides jobs . . .I'm very grateful.''
Labels: charlie crist, economics
Congressman Roy Blunt spoke at the Values Voter Summit. Blunt decided to show his values by comparing Democrats to monkeys. Blunt explained the "monkey problem" the British had in India. I don't know if Blunt intended his metaphor to be racist. Blunt has been in politics long enough to know a monkey joke in the ear of the Obama presidency isn't the most astute thing to do politically.
"You know, you can't control everything there is in life that you'd like to control. Supposedly, at the turn of the 19th Century, the end of the 19th Century - the beginning of the 20th Century, there was a group of British occupiers in a very lush, very quiet, very peaceful, very uneventful part of India. And this group of British soldiers who were occupying that part of India decided they'd carve a golf course put of the jungle of India. And there was really not that much else to do.
So for over a year, this was the biggest event, getting this golf course created. And they got the golf course done and almost from the day the first ball was hit on this golf course something happened they didn't anticipate. Monkeys would come running out of the jungle [faint audience laughter] and they'd grab the golf balls. And if it was in the fairway they might throw it in the rough. And [if] it was in the rough they might throw it... they might throw it back at you! And I could go into great and long detail about how many things they did to try and eliminate the 'monkey problem.' But they never got it done, so finally this golf course and this golf course only, they passed a rule and the rule was - you have to play the ball where the monkey throws it. [audience laughter swells] And that is the rule in Washington all the time. You know... [clapping from audience]
You know the world is turned upside down when Al Franken is in the United States Senate and Tom Delay is going on "Dancing With the Stars" - that's when you know that things have changed in ways that you would have never anticipated."
Labels: racism, roy blunt, values voter summit
Labels: cap and trade, chris van hollen, ed markey, global warming, henry waxman, president barack obama, united nations
President Barack Obama has never previously said the public option must be in the health care bill. Senator Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have promised the public option in the bill. Obama's Joint Session of Congress speech left progressives wondering if the public option was being abandoned.
WASHINGTON -- It is more important that health-care legislation inject stiff competition among insurance plans than it is for Congress to create a pure government-run option, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said.
"The goal is to have a means and a mechanism to keep the private insurers honest," he said in an interview. "The goal is non-negotiable; the path is" negotiable.
"There are only about 4 to 7 [Co-ops] that exist [nationwide]. And I’m very skeptical… of starting up a system that doesn’t work."