Bill Clinton Rally For Charlie Crist

Labels: bill clinton, charlie crist, orlando, university of central florida
Labels: bill clinton, charlie crist, orlando, university of central florida
Instagram user Mstyle183 is selling Rick Scott and Chris Christie butt plugs. I wonder who is in the market to have Rick Scott up their ass?
Labels: humor, rick scott, sexuality, weird
Halloween time is around the corner. Daily Kos made a list of union made candy that you can buy. 5th Avenue Abba-Zaba Original and Strawberry Almond Roca Baby Ruth Big Hunk Butterfinger Cadbury Jelly Belly Candy Corn Candy House Buttons Caramello Bar Clark Bar Disney Jelly Beans Ghirardelli Chocolates Gimbal’s Fine Candies Harry Potter Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans Hersheys Kisses and Hugs Hersheys Nuggets Hot Tamales candies Jawbreakers Jelly Belly Jelly Beans Kit Kat Bars Laffy Taffy LOOK! Mallo Cups Mary Jane Mighty Malts Malted Milk Balls Mike and Ike Necco Candy Wafers Nestle Pearsons Candy Red Vines Red Licorice and Black Licorice Rocky Road Original, Dark, Mint, and S’Mores Rolo Russell Stover Candy Sconza Candy See Sip-n-chew Smarties Smarties Candy Lipstick Snaps Sour Punch Sunkist Candies Super Ropes Sweethearts Mummy Hearts Thin Mints Tootsie Rolls Trolli U-NO Zagnut Zours
Rick Scott campaigned today with fellow minimum wage increase hater Chris Christie today. Scott's idea of a secret weapon is a Governor under a massive corruption investigation.
Labels: chris christie, minimum wage, rick scott, write a caption
"I've had people say, 'Hey, you know, there's nothing wrong with gays in the military. Look at the Greeks.' Well, you know, they did have people come along who they loved that was the same sex and would give them massages before they went into battle. But you know what, it's a different kind of fighting, it's a different kind of war and if you're sitting around getting massages all day ready to go into the big, planned battle, then you're not going to last very long. It's guerrilla fighting. You are going to be ultimately vulnerable to terrorism." Louie Gohmert Apparently, Gohmert believes that U.S. troops in places like Afghanistan weren't be trying to stop terrorists from killing them because they will be too busy getting massages. I wonder if Gohmert did his military research from watching lots of gay porn. I am really starting to wonder about this guy.
Labels: louie gohmert, military, weird, wingnuts
It is almost refreshing to see Gov. Rick Scott behave like an actual human being. Scott has been a robotic talking points machine for 4 years and has refused to answer questions. Scott's evasiveNess and secrecy borders on Nixonian level paranoia. Scott has been pressed by voters on why he doesn't support raising the minimum wage. Scott lost it and shouted over his own constituents. It is obvious the pressure of the campaign is taking a toll on him. The worst part is Scott still stuck to attack talking points on Charlie Crist. What Scott may not be aware of is these voters aren't asking about Crist. They are asking for Scott to give an explanation on why he doesn't support raising the minimum wage. You would think that the campaign would have come up with a lame talking point for Scott to use. Maybe they did and Scott didn't remember the talking point because he went into panic mode.
Labels: minimum wage, rick scott, video
Meet Gatsby the Bengal cat. Gatsby can be more than a handful since he has wild blood in him. Update: I posted the wrong Bengal cat video. This is the video of Gatsby.
Labels: cat blogging, videos
Labels: humor, rick scott, write a caption
The Croatian government created this powerful video to show the horrors of domestic violence. The video shows pictures taken everyday in the year of the life of a woman. Later images show bruising on the woman's face. The English translation of the video description.
A year in which I was abused . Please help me.Good for the Croatian government for creating this video and raising awareness.
Labels: domestic violence, feminism, needless violence, video
The classic line-up of Veruca Salt has gotten back together. Louise Post and Nina Gordon had a well-publicized falling out. "It was drugs and cheating and all that junk," Nina Gordon told Stereogum.Their story would make a great episode of Behind the Music. Nina and Louise have put their difference behind them and have released two excellent new songs for Record Store Day. You can hear the songs on Veruca Salt's website. The song Only You Know was written by Post after Nina Gordon left the band. Post was also going through a break-up with Dave Grohl. The lyrics a biting kiss-off to an unnamed person.
Don't blame me cause you got caught You've given me up you've taken everything I got Those lies came straight from your mouth I never dreamed that you would be a sellout Only you know, only you know Only you know, only you knowOuch.
Labels: music, veruca salt
Via Feministing: Stand-up comedian Hannibal Buress did a bit on alligations of Bill Cosby being a serial rapist. 13 women have accused Cosby of rape. Andrea Constand has brought a civil lawsuit against Cosby. That lawsuit was settled out of court.
What Cosby never mentioned was the civil lawsuit he settled just two days earlier with Andrea Constand, 32, a former Temple University employee who claimed Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted her in his Philadelphia-area mansion in 2004. Constand's lawyers Dolores Troiani and Bebe Kivitz ended up with 13 witnesses, most referred to in court documents as "Jane Does," who came forward voluntarily with strikingly similar claims of drugging and or abuse by Cosby. Terms of the settlement, reached before any of the women could testify, were not disclosed. But PEOPLE reporters have interviewed five of the women and share three of their stories now.Cosby defenders can say why didn't these women press charges? The other view is if Cosby is innocent why settle? If true this is highly unsettling. Barbara Bowman says she was drugged and sexually assaulted by Cosby.
A month or two later, she was in Atlantic City and says she was given another glass of red wine and felt "completely doped up again." Confused, Bowman somehow made it back to her room, but the next day Cosby summoned her to his suite. After she arrived, Bowman says, Cosby "threw me on the bed and braced his arm under my neck so I couldn't move my head, and he started trying to take his clothes off. I remember all the clinking of his belt buckle. And he was trying to take my pants down, and I was trying to keep them on." Bowman says that not long after she resisted the assault, Cosby cut off contact with her and had her escorted to the airport for a flight back to Denver. She didn't tell authorities about what happened, but she did approach an attorney who "wouldn't take it seriously," says Margo Singagliese, 52, the friend who went with her to see the lawyer.This is something to think about the next time you hear Cosby lecturing others on the standards and morality.
Labels: bill cosby, humor, rape, sexual assault, video