SayNo2 is launching a video contest.
Florida SayNo2 campaign against dangerous and deceptive Amendment 2 has just announced a contest to create your own commercial against Amendment 2! They will be picking the top user-generated commercials to blast out on all of their social networking sites like MySpace, Youtube, Facebook, and more! We will also be posting some of the videos here on Bileirco-Florida!
We all know that if passed, Amendment 2 would take away existing benefits from all unmarried Floridians. The amendment would hurt all Floridians by taking away important domestic partnership benefits (like hospital visitation, pensions, and insurance). This massive government intrusion also puts the government where it doesn’t belong - regulating the personal relationships of Floridians.
That’s why the campaign needs your help! They want you to create a short commercial saying why you will Say No 2 Amendment 2 in November. Visit their website at to get information and see all the reasons why everyone should VOTE NO on Amendment 2! Contest details after the jump!
Apple iTunes
Here’s what you need to know:
• The videos should be under 4 minutes in length
• It can be anything- a song about the consequences, your personal story about how this amendment would affect you, anything!
• Upload the videos to YouTube and send them the link at their MySpace account (
• Tell your friends and spread the word!
• The winners will get to see their videos on their sites, as well as receive a “SayNo2″ Prize pack with t-shirts, buttons, and other campaign goodies!
So get creative and get involved! We need everyone to help out in the fight against this dangerous and deceptive amendment!
Labels: gay marriage, homophobia