Thursday, September 02, 2010

Kendrick Meek Death Watch: No Meek Bounce

The Crist campaign sent internal polling numbers showing Crist in the lead. Peter Schorsch and Joy-Ann Reid received the poll. The polling firm is Frederick Polls. The firm has Democratic politicians and unions as clients.

Charlie Crist 35%
Marco Rubio 34%
Kendrick Meek 17%
Undecided 14%

Reid notes the breakdown Florida Democratic jedi master Steve Schale said Crist needs to win in the general election.

33% of the Democratic vote
33% of the Republican vote
50% of the NPA vote.

I found Schale's post to be pure spin for Kendrick Meek. Schale is a smart guy. However, he is a Meek supporter and should be taken with a grain of salt.

Democrats turned out in a less than stellar numbers for the Meek/Greene primary. Marco Rubio received more primary votes than Meek and Jeff Greene combined. Meek cannot get enough Democratic voters to turn out to defeat Meek. The poll shows Crist at 55 percent with independent voters. Crist can also pull conservative Democrats in the Panhandle. The Panhandle is a lost cause for Meek.

Meek also has less money than Crist or Rubio. According to, Crist has $8,039,870 on hand. Rubio follows with $4,494,981on hand. Meek trails with $2,644,511 on hand. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee isn't going to drop money bombs on Meek. They know this is a Rubio-Crist race and are going to spend money on protecting Harry Reid's seat and races they can win.

The most damning finding from the poll.

Kendrick Meek appears to have gotten little to no bounce from the Democratic Primary.

Team Meek loves to tell people that Meek win get hot any day now. It is September and he still trails Crist and Rubio. How is this different than January poll numbers?. The answer is Meek's poll numbers are worse. I like to hear Schale and Team Meek explain that.

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