Thursday, September 02, 2010

Jennifer Carroll: Worse Running Mate Pick Ever

Rick Scott's running mate Jennifer Carroll has to be one of the dimmest office holders in Florida government. Carroll incorrectly filed that her financial worth was $202 million. Carroll was later forced to refile her worth being $2.02 million. Carroll forgot to add a period. Sadly it gets worse.

Carroll went to the Kensington University in California. The school is non-accredited; meaning their degree is a worthless piece of paper. The bogus university has no classrooms. All classes are taken online. The Los Angeles Times reported that in 1996 state regulators investigated KUC for committing "fraud on the public."

The school's first state review in 1994 found many problems, including routine acceptance of below-par student work, awarding inflated credit for so-called "life experience," and not having enough faculty.

In one case, reviewers found that the school awarded a doctoral candidate in psychology credit for reading magazine articles and doing about a dozen short reaction papers. A later report said the school also awarded doctoral degrees after as little as four months' work.

Carroll was forced to take her less than prestigious KUC degree off Florida House her bio.

``This causes me great concern,'' Carroll told the Florida Times-Union in 2004. ``It's a lot of time, effort and money poured into a university I thought was a viable program.''

Carroll didn't have the foresight to research KUC before she enrolled. Her stupidity is absolutely staggering.



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