Thursday, September 02, 2010

Jan Brewer's Debate Meltdown

Arizona county coroners told the Arizona Guardian they cannot back up Gov. Jan Brewer's claims that there have been a rash of beheaded bodies. Brewer claimed illegal immigrants have come over the border and beheading Arizona citizens. Brewer spokesman Paul Senseman could not say where Brewer got her information on beheadings. The whole beheading story seems to be something Brewer made up to justify signing the ID bill.

In a debate, Democratic opponent Terry Goddard asked her to recant her statement that beheadings took place. Brewer side-stepped the question. After the debate, the media asked Brewer why she didn't recant her statement on the beheadings. She was also asked if she believed that the beheadings occurred. Brewer refused to answer both questions and abruptly walked out of the debate. Brewer had a Sharron Angle-style meltdown.

Almost as bad is Brewer's opening statement from the debate. I truly thin she was ad-libbing and had no idea what to say.

Arizona has a $700 million deficit going into the next budget session. Brewer is being disingenuous by proclaiming the budget balanced. Each new legislative session presents new budget challenge. If Arizona had a surplus then Brewer would have a right to brag.

Update: Brewer will not debate again.

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At September 04, 2010 1:31 PM , Anonymous Benito said...

In the last four months Jan Brewer has been caught lying, three times and counting.

The comments made on June 16, 2010, and June 27, 2010, clearly indicates that the Brewer says that immigrants are beheading people in the United States desert. She first ran away from the question and the press when confronted with the question. She finally when to FOX/ FAKE News to recant her lie.

When Brewer was confronted with the fact the two of her top Advisors (Paul Senseman, Chuck Coughlin) are lobbyist for “Private Prisons” giant CCA she first ran away from the question and the press.

In an attempt to gain sympathy, she first said her father had died in Germany fighting the Nazi in World War II (which ended 1945) but of course we find out the truth that her father was never in Germany and died in California in 1955. Do you see a trend here?

Brewer signed into law SB 1070 Bill (Did she even read it?), lied about the crime rates in AZ (even Janet Napolitano knows that all crimes rates went down), and now we find out that she is in the pockets of PRIVATE PRISONS who stand to benefit with the increase Federal jailing, and thus they will pay her back, I wonder if it has to do anything about the fact that her son was transferred to a brand new prison, he was convicted for rape and sexual assault, I guess the fruit does not fall far the tree.

“Private Prisons Lie”

“AZ Crime Rates”

“Father Lie”


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