Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Joe Negron Has Got A Sales Pitch For You

I know Thomas Croom is all excited about Joe Negron running in Mark Foley's place. He really should temper that enthusiasm.

Negron also said he was hopeful of being able to free up $600,000 from Foley's campaign to fund his run. Foley's West Palm Beach district is largely Republican, but now may be won by a Democrat.

George Allen, Heather Wilson, Clay Shaw, Deborah Pryce, Curt Weldon, Jim Gerlach and Geoff Davis have been tripping over each other trying to rid themselves of Foley's PAC money. Negron has horrible political instincts. Then again, if his instincts were better, he wouldn't have so anxiously lobbied to be in race where Foley's name will be on the ballot. Not his. Very dumb. You didn't see other Republicans feverishly running to anyone with a tape recorder, saying they wanted to run in Foley's place. The smart pols knew it was too late in the process and losing doesn't make oneself an appealing future candidate.

Negron was calling the media and publicly lobbying for a seat that's mired in scandal. His job his now to convince voters that if you vote for Foley you're voting for him. If that's not the sales pitch from hell then I don't know what is.

Mark Foley is no longer a candidate, he has withdrawn from Congress, he has withdrawn from the race. His name is a placeholder because it's too late to reprint the ballots. If you're a Republican, if you're a conservative Democrat, if you're someone who supports our President - please vote for the name next to Mark Foley, and that will be a vote for me, Joe Negron. I promise I won't let you down."

Yes, the President and Foley are two names Republicans realy want to work hard. Neither have great approval ratings. Negron manages to appeal to those small demographics who still support the President and still wish to vote for Foley. What a communicator.


At October 03, 2006 10:17 PM , Blogger Jim Johnson said...

First, let's consider that in a district that is 47% Republican, running on the President's platform might not be as damaging as you think.

Second, while Negron may probably still lose, whomever the Republicans picked will be the 2008 nominee - so Negron is running for that race as much as for this one.

Oh, and we updated our post on our blog to include a link to yours on this topic. Click here.


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