Wingnut of the Day: Erick Erickson
Via Amanda Marcotte: Erick Erickson thinks the imaginary liberal media wants to have nasty sex with President Barack Obama.
But now, you’d rather have cocktails (pun absolutely intended for a good portion of you “journalists”) with the President, jealously size up the competition in the First Lady, and wish you too could be a mistress when you see France’s President and whoever the gal of the week is for him.This is the same Erick Erickson who discussed goat sex on Twitter.

But you journalists have such erections for everything Barack Obama does, you can’t even summon outrage to report fairly on the latest b.s. from the administration over Obamacare. Is it any wonder so many people have stopped trusting you?For a straight guy against gay marriage Erickson sure thinks about dick a lot.
Labels: amanda marcotte, erick erickson, wingnuts
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