Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Unemployment Reality

The Bureau of Labor Statistics came up with an unsurprising table showing the more education one has attained the less likely he or she is unemployed. High school dropouts have a 14.7 unemployment rate. That is a stark difference from the 5.3 unemployment rate of people with a Bachelor's degree and higher.

Matt Yglesias posted a chart on his blog. Yglesias views unemployment through college elitism. I think he partially hit and misses the point about Washington's disconnect with unemployment. Sen. Ben Nelson felt unemployment ceased "to be an emergency." Republicans are even more detached from economic reality than their counterparts. Rep. John Boehner compared Obama's effort to give states money to retain teachers to the bank bailout. Nevermind that these teachers are doing a needed service. Boehner is more concerned with getting out his Frank Luntz's approved talking points.

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