Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rick Scott Subpoenaed

Eric Jotkoff, communications director of the Florida Democratic Party sent out this tweet.

Rick Scott subpoenaed at press conference in Tallahassee to be deposed on Friday.

Scott responded by telling the media, ""I told you it is a private matter."

Attoney Steven R. Andrews is legally pressing to get a video deposition Scott took as a witness in a case the state had against his company Solantic. I am really wondering what is in that disposition that Andrews wants public and Scott wants to keep under a confidentiality agreement.



At August 24, 2010 9:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

SOLANTIC?!?! GASP! I realize the absolutely ABSURD treatment I had at SOLANTIC probably has nothing to do with Rick Scott, but it is SO freakin ironic that this fraud would be perpetrated in an election roll! Holy smoke!!! I had to buy one person of the Solantic staff coffee early one morning...ah, let's just say...so "THEY" did not get fired. And the high school LIAR FOOL answering the phone at Orlando International Airport. OH! MY! GAWD! Now that I know it's a RICK SCOTT company let alone the fiasco at OIA, I wouldn't go near a SOLANTIC "outlet store!" HOLY CRAP AND A HALF!


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