Michael Steele: Living Proof Government Creates Jobs
"Not in the history of mankind has the government ever created a job."
Michael Steele
Apparently, Mr. Steele believes the private sector created his former position as Lieutenant Governor of Maryland. Steele would not hold the RNC chair, if fellow anti-government conservatives weren't trying to win public office. Steele benefitted more than most from government job creation.
I find it amusing people who ran for government believe government does not create jobs. John McCain spent his adult life on public health care. The Maverick's policies would make it less affordable for companies to supply health care. Workers would be pushed to find their own health packages.
Public health care is good enough for McCain, but not the American people. Steele has no problem receiving a check from a government job. By his strange logic, the government shouldn't should attempt to create jobs. This goes beyond ideology. Steele's and McCain's "it is only good enough for me" attitudes reeks of hypocrisy.

Paul Krugman provides a graph showing the disparity between George W. Bush' and Bill Clinton's disparity in job cration. The Clinton years added 22.7 million jobs. Bush has the worst job growth rate of any modern president. Private sector job growth was a mere 0.14 percent.
Labels: bill clinton, george w. bush, healthcare, job creation, john mccain, michael steele, paul krugman, rnc
"I find it amusing people who ran for government believe government does not create jobs."
It makes me ill to see these same people get my tax dollars.
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