Sunday, February 01, 2009

Johannes Mehserle's Bail Set at $3 Million

Alameda County Superior Court Judge Morris Jacobson set Johannes Mehserle's bail at $3 million. Jacobson told attorney Michael Rains Mehserle's story contained contradictions. Mehserle's official story is he was reaching for his taser. Jacobson noted Mehserle told other officers Oscar Grant had a gun. Jacobson does not believe a BART officer would reach for his taser to defend himself against an armed man. Other officers said Mehserle was going to "take" Grant.

Whatever version is true: there is little doubt Mehserle shot the subdued Grant in the back. Several cell phone cameras captured the shooting. Legally, Mehserle is not contesting he was the shooter. Mehserle claims not to know the difference between a gun and taser.

Bail was set on legal guidelines and the severity of the crime. Jacobson is afraid Mehserle is a flight risk.

Protesters were outside the courthouse. Grant's family and supporters are not happy about Mehserle being granted bail.

BART Police Chief Gary Gee has become part of the controversy. Gee sent a memo out on how BART officers can send money to Mehserle in jail.

"It is unacceptable for the police chief, who ostensibly is investigating Mehserle and other officers . . . to encourage officers to visit and make financial contributions to Mehserle," said attorney John Burris, who is representing the Grant family in a wrongful-death claim against the transit agency.

The mob mentality is scary. There have been riots and people want Mehserle sentenced yesterday. Mehserle disgraced the uniform. We still have a justice system and everybody is innocent until proven guilty. It is obvious the black community has long-standing grievancess with BART. Community leaders need to figure out how to improve relations between BART and the black community. Eventually, the Grant trial will be over. The problems will remain, unless addressed.

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At February 02, 2009 4:02 AM , Blogger The Donkey said...

He may not have been convicted. He is guilty of killing a man who was handcuffed. If the videos had not been there, there would be no evidence of anything but an accident, because no one would believe a policeman would shoot someone like that unless they saw the video. I watched it several times and can not believe what happened.


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