Friday, December 05, 2008

Obama Haters At the Supreme Court

It is common knowledge that Barack Obama was born Honolulu, Hawaii. Being born is the United States gives the rights of citizenship and to run for the presidency. 20 protesters feel that Obama should not serve because his father was a British citizen, at the time of his birth. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has taken a strong interest. The other Justice appear to be less inclined. Jonathan Stein and Tay Wiles of Mother Jones has more.

Short legal answer: the citizenship of Obama's father is meaningless. The real importance is was Obama was born on American soil. Justice Thomas is only taking this up because he puts ideology above the law.

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At December 05, 2008 11:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The other factor is whether Obama is a complete enough human to be pres. Remember the Dred Scott decision? The Supreme Court ruled that a black person (such as Clarence Thomas) is only 3/5 of a human being, specifically for census purposes.

Obama is 1/2 white and 1/2 black, so that maked him 4/5 (80%) human, right?

I was born in California, myself, and since many Ammericuns consider California to only be halfway part of the U.S., this makes me 1/2 a citizen.

Or something.

I'm getting confused. Maybe more bourbon will help.

The saddest thing is that on January 20, when Obama is sworn in, I will -- for the first time in my life -- be older than the president.

I think I suddenly need a *lot* more bourbon. :(

At December 06, 2008 1:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At December 07, 2008 5:05 PM , Blogger Michael Hussey said...

Anonymous, that is not a declarative sentence. That is just incoherent rambling. And why must conservative trolls always use the big cap keys? Is that a Troll union agreement?

At December 08, 2008 7:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

exterbaAs a white lesbian,
No man should be my idol, yet Obama, transends all my precieved predigeous.
We all are, but spirits, draped in the skins of,-------------------
"Man, woman, color and professed religion'.

But,---- in reality,---- only good trensends evil.
The beholder, mistakenley judges the innocent guilty, thus,---"CONFUSED"
My house of humanity, is divided.

Evil has once more conquered??!!!

Yet, those professed closesest to God, I find the greatest offenders.

Seems the least offensive, compared to "Shock and Augh",
"Mass Murder", ------------
Gee!,--- weeeeee, have smart bombs that don't kill real people,
"LaLa land",
Right Wing, philosiphopy.

And they call us-----
"Tree Huggers"?!?!?!??
May God bless, every tree that breaths fresh air for me, and you, and even them!

There is hope.....

Hope, for clean energy.
Hope, for new discoveries,REALIZED,
not buried for oil or other capital gains.
"Diplomacy' among nations!!
Can you imagine--!!!
Entire races, and nations of humanity, uplifted, to inspire greatness.
MY HOPE, for
"Yes We Can".
"Hope for, Pray for"----
Kindness: Love thy neighbor, as thy self!
Be you neighbor, in my immediate neighborhood,----That includes, all animals, chemicals, minerals and humans on the planet EARTH!
"ALIENS!" (From elsewhere?!?!?!?!!)

"Other than"----
---"Is only,what we,
do "not",
understand of others.

Yet, I know that,
what I understand,
screams at,
the abuse of
men, women children and all creation!

Nations of hamanity, realizing that they had mistakenly, identified their women, as enemies?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and not as, "SELF", draped in different clothing?????

I was raised in the Methodist and Baptist Churches of America and I have to hope and pray, that the lesson of love, kindness, forgiveness, love thy neighbor as thy self,
Thow shalt not KILL,
OH! and the horrors of " Thall shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor!!!!!!
How much false "SHIT"?< have you thrown against my brother of truth "OBAMA".
I have no fear of calling you,
"Bastards of the Universe"!!!!!!!
"You Are"
"The evil that"
Rapes, beats and verbally abuses, Men, Women and children.
You are the Sexual inslavers of humanity!
You rape the "Earth", for monatery gain! Carvinging and burning,(Coal, oil, minerals---- the mountains of our one and ,only
My dear Virginia,
Is there anything left of your mountinous curves and valleys?? Or are you but flat or cravenous gouges, raped from my mothers earth?

Yeah!!!,Yeah!!!, Yeah!!
So, fuckin what?, if I speak in delusions of grandure???!!
You're telling me that your're ranting and ravings, be it Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu of what ever shit you perscribe to----gives you the room to be predigeous against common humanity and it's frailties.

If it wasn't for "OBAMA",
I would hate all of you!!!
Obama, reminds me that:
You are my neighbor, and, as angry as I am,--I DO LOVE YOU!
And, trust me, it's not like the heterosexuals constantly recite to me-----"The bible tells us we're supossed to, "LOVE" the homosexal!!?????
Vomit!!!! Is the mutual response!
Mine is a reactionary knee jerk to your ignorance towards my natural (God given, if you will), state of mammalian humanity!!!!!!!
Your's, is, to that which you refuse to understand!!! (i.e.---the wonders of the universe).
Your God, equals the boundries of your own mind.
You have insulted the God of humanity's greatest asperations.

Believe me when I say that I do not believe myself or Barack Obama or anyone else to be "God or "the likeness there of"-----------------

I believe that there are human being that are born of this earth that are not Goddly, in the worship since of the word, but are a total inspiration to their fellow humanity.
If Jesus was just a man or son of our believed creator,---He was good!

Not mentioning all---- but----

--peaceful resistance!!!!!
--the ipitomy of inner strength!!!

"Malcom X"
"Fighting for perfection and freedom of his humanity!!!

"John F. Kennedy"
You and your whole family, regardless of personnel tradegy have shown that wealth has not spoiled the spirit of generosity and worldly commoness between us!

Martin Luther,
My heart and soul, walked every mile with you and yours.

You're courage and unwavering tenacity are becons of light in the dark abbyss.

And my dear Bishop Desmond Tutu,
I am not Catholic nor do I want to be---but ----I watched you many years ago on national television----you faced a panel (my best description--White suppremist---State representivies
-----They hammered you with questions, and by the time you were finished with them, their "wolf---I'm gonna eat you for breakfast additude" turned into a mutual feeling of great respect and admiration!
I think you are one of the few human being that I have stood up and clapped for, in my own livingroom, all by my self!!!!
EXACTLY, how I cried for joy when "OBAMA" was elected PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA

You are MY VOICE
You are MY HOPES and Vision of the future.
I believe you to be the best husband and life partner that your wife could ask you to be.
And you are not only the personnel father to your own children, but the father to a nation,( or nations) of children.
Your burden, from the BUSH disaster is overwhelming HUGE.
I don't know how the evil of the world is gong to pounce upon you.
I am older than you so I can say this, with tongue in cheek,----I got your back babe!
I'll serve you and my nation,any way I can!

With Lots of Love and respect,
Your White, almost 64, Lesbian, and proudly American,


You speak for me, my beautiful brother.---Thank you

At December 19, 2008 2:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a PS for you... Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback giving the inaugral invocation. Hmmm, anti-Gay Marriage and chosen by Obama? Get used to disappointment. (Although by your post your clearly nuts and will never see it)
Cheers, Lance


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