Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why The VP Picks Suck

Via Pensito Review: the Diageo/Hotline poll shows Sarah Palin's approval rating was 50 percent on Sept. 11. Palin's approval rating slipped to 48 percent on the 15th. Her unfavorable rating went from 30 to 36 percent during the same time. 50 percent believe Palin is unprepared to be Vice-President. The luster has faded from Palin. Democrats are no better since Biden's poll numbers suck.

The VP selections is the first major decision a president has to make. John McCain and Barack Obama flunked the test big time. Progressives hate Biden and Palin's experience is laughable. McCain picked Palin to shore up support with women and Christian conservatives. Obama chose Biden to answer attacks on his experience. Both candidates made cynical picks for purely political purposes. The ironic thing is the polling suggests neither VP candidate is going to help Obama or McCain.

The political establishment considered Lloyd Bentsen and George H.W. Bush serious-minded men with excellent resumes. Biden is considered a racist and attention-grabbing blowhard. Palin has quickly become a national punchline. Would any non-biased political observer pick Biden and Palin as their dream VP candidates. If Obama and McCain really wanted experience people they could have picked Bill Richardson or John Warner.

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