Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama Raising Money For House Democrats

Barack Obama sent out his latest fundraising email to help House Democrats.

Less than 50 days from now, our country will face a monumental choice.

We can continue the failed policies of the past eight years by electing John McCain, who's voted with George Bush 90% of the time. Or we can say "enough" and bring real change to Washington.

We simply can't afford more of the same, and with seven weeks until Election Day, each of us must do our part right now.

Joe Biden and I can't do it alone.

We need more Democrats in Congress who share our commitment to change. Together, we can fix the broken politics of Washington and make this country better for all Americans.

Make a donation of $20.08, $35, or more right now to help elect Democrats facing tight races and build a strong Democratic Majority in Congress.

Your donation today will provide direct resources to Democratic candidates at a crucial time in the election.

With your support, they can make sure every door is knocked and every yard sign is seen.

Now is the time to bring about the change America's families need. We need to get our economy working again for struggling middle-class families, we need to make health care affordable for every American, and we need to end our dangerous addiction to foreign oil and invest in the American innovation that will power the greener economy of tomorrow.

The media, pundits, and Republicans will use the debate next week and our September 30th filing deadline as a measure of our strength in the final weeks.

Show your support for Democrats at this crucial time. Make a donation of $20.08, $35, or more today.

I began this campaign on the belief that ordinary people can do extraordinary things.

And if you act before midnight on September 30th, you'll help guarantee a strong Democratic Majority working for change in Washington.

That's what Joe Biden and I will need to renew America's promise for every family.

Thank you for everything you've done,


The link goes to the DCCC contribute page. Obama using his vast internet fundraising machine should warm Nancy Pelosi's heart. What House Republicans do better is setting up campaign committees for fundraising. Pelosi needs to fix that.

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