Sunday, October 28, 2007

Matt Lauer Interview of Larry Craig

PoliticsTV has compiled the top ten moments of the Larry Craig interview. My favorite moment is he has never cast negative judgement of another person's sex life. That doesn't pass the laugh test.

SEN. CRAIG: Well, I don't know where the Senate's going to be on that issue of an up or down vote on impeachment, but I will tell you that the Senate certainly can bring about a censure reslution and it's a slap on the wrist. It's a, "Bad boy, Bill Clinton. You're a naughty boy." The American people already know that Bill Clinton is a bad boy, a naughty boy.

I'm going to speak out for the citizens of my state, who in the majority think that Bill Clinton is probably even a nasty, bad, naughty boy.

I am so glad Craig is sticking around for the 2008 elections. He is a poster boy the the Republicans hypocrisy of moral values. The GOP demonizes gays and Hispanics for political gain. They played to the most hateful of the electorate to gain power. Nevermind that kingmakers such as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson are unhinged, greedy and equally hypocritical.

The party of abstinence is having a tough time keeping it's pants up. David Vitter likes hookers. Mark Foley obsessively went after male teen pages. Bob Allen laughably claimed he offered to pay a man and give him blowjob because he was in fear for his life.

The Christian Right leadership would back any of these people if they at a legimate shot of being re-elected. James Dobson will certainly back the philandering Giuliani or Morman Romney over a Democrat. Republican victories matter more than actually helping the sick and poor. Falwell and Robertson gleefully told their audience that America deserved the 9-11 attacks.

Falwell: The ACLU has got to take a lot of blame for this. And I know I'll hear from them for this, but throwing God...successfully with the help of the federal court system...throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools, the abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked and when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad...I really believe that the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who try to secularize America...I point the thing in their face and say you helped this happen.

Robertson: I totally concur, and the problem is we've adopted that agenda at the highest levels of our government, and so we're responsible as a free society for what the top people do, and the top people, of course, is the court system."

Falwell: Pat, did you notice yesterday that the ACLU and all the Christ-haters, the People for the American Way, NOW, etc., were totally disregarded by the Democrats and the Republicans in both houses of Congress, as they went out on the steps and and called out to God in prayer and sang 'God bless America' and said, let the ACLU be hanged. In other words, when the nation is on its knees, the only normal and natural and spiritual thing to do is what we ought to be doing all the time, calling on God."

How can these men be so hateful while the rest while the rest of the country is reeling? The Bush campaign went out of their way to cater to them. Falwell gave the opening prayer at the 2004 Republican National Convention and was allowed to attend the Washington National Cathedral memorial service. Even though President Bush didn't want to be seen near him.

The GOP is now in facing the prospect of losing the presidency and more seats in Congress. Jesus said, "But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand." The same holds true for houses built on shit.

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