Thursday, August 16, 2007

Rubio vs. Allen

Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio has removed Bob Allen as Chairman of the Energy Commission.

Said Rubio: “The House will continue to respect Rep. Allen’s right to defend himself against the charges which arose when he was arrested on July 11. However, we must acknowledge that in addition to being a private citizen, he is a public official. As such, we are judged by a higher standard than procedural innocence. The mere perception of impropriety can interfere with our official function. It is my personal belief that because of the allegations against him, Rep. Allen can no longer effectively serve the people of his district in the Florida House.”

Allen maintains his innocence.

"I haven't even had my first day in court yet...Totalitarian governments are famous for the police making the charge and the conviction. That's not America. I would think this leadership more than anyone would think that we don't want to copy totalitarian governments but copy American principles."

Is it me or is Allen sounding as whacky as Ralph Nader?

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