Thursday, January 04, 2007

More Conservative Minimum Wage Hysteria

Wages At All Time Low

George Will continues the conservative talking point of that if the minimum wage is raised that unemployment will go up. Jeb Bush fought against the first minimum wage increase. Again, conservatives said that unemployment would climb if minimum wage was increased. Florida voters approved the the increase by 71 percent. The result has been the lowest unemployment rate among the ten most populous states.

George Will

Will has other ideas.

But the minimum wage should be the same everywhere: $0.

Will feels the markets will fairly pay workers their worth. Most employees will tell you that they don't believe their bosses have any desire to pay them fairly. Corporations are in the business of making money and cutting overhead. They lobby Republican politicians to help them do this. Republicans attempt to scare voters by telling them that raising minimun wage will hurt them. Republicans can't go to the public and say that they are bending over to please their big business loyalists.

What Will is actually arguing for is an honor system. The Ken Lays of the world can be trusted to pay. I wonder if Will trusts his publishing company will properly pay royalties or does he have his agent make a contract. I'm guessing the latter.


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