Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Ann Artless

Can we say that Ann Althouse is the most unfeminist blogger who calls herself a feminist.

Of course, it's true, though. Lewinsky was portrayed in a sexist way. The need to rescue Clinton from impeachment made everyone forget how to take a feminist perspective. But Cohen's dreamy wish for a man to love Lewinsky isn't the least sexist thing I've ever read. I'm guessing Monica has all the boyfriends she wants. I'll bet they have lots of laughs sharing intimate gossip about the old man who transgressed to be with her. Why assume she wants to marry or marriage is some special solace that she needs? Why say her life is ebbing?

Althouse states Lewinsky was treated "in a sexist way" (I concur) and then labels her a harlot. Althouse feels people should not assume that Lewinsky wants to marry, but "assumes" she has "all the boyfriends she wants." Althouse has no evidence to support her claim. None is needed when she has the power of Instapundit linking to her Clinton-related bashing. Glenn Reynolds says he's not obsessed with the Clinton sex scandal. Perhaps he should stop writing about it.


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