Thursday, December 07, 2006

Jennings Taking Her Fight to the House

A sign that will not make Republicans happy. The Jennings-Buchanan race may be heading for a Congressional investigation. The St. Petersurg Times reports Christine Jennings will ask the House Administration Committee for an investigation.

Howard Dean is wants a new election to be held.

"Absolutely not," Dean said in a taped Political Connections interview scheduled to air Sunday on Bay News 9. "You cannot seat someone if you don't have an election that's valid.

"This election is not valid. There are 18,000 people who may have voted, and we don't know what happened to their votes," Dean said. "You can bet that if the Republicans were 500 votes short they'd be calling for a new election, and they'd be right."

The decision comes down to Nancy Pelosi. She has the power to withhold Vern Buchanan's swearing in until the legal issues are settled. Jennings explains what her legal team is doing.

CQ: If Jan. 4 arrives and the situation has not been resolved, what would you like to see happen or how will you proceed?

Jennings: The House Administration [Committee] is there to help you with things like this. And we met with them yesterday, my attorneys and myself, to understand and go through the process of what you do. You file on or before Dec. 20 for the House Administration to do what is called an investigation of what happened with the voting system.

And I am sure that we will file, and I can’t tell you what we will ask the House to do because I don’t know what’s going to happen as we go forth. We go back to court Dec. 15, so we’ll keep you posted, but it’s too early to say what we would want the House to do.

Jennings has also filed a lawsuit to obtain the code of the machines. The Orlando Sentinel's audit found that voters in Sarasota County leaned towards Democratic candidates. There more problems with the ballot during the early voting. The stae testing also turned into a major fubar. This isn't over.

Christine Jennings Actblue Recount Fund

Update: Tom Feeney goes all Hulk mad at Howard Dean.

"DNC Chair Howard Dean and his liberal entourage should be called the UNDemocratic party for their refusal to honor the election results from Florida's 13th Congressional District,'' Feeney said in a press release.

"There is no way to stimulate 18,000 disenchanted voters or reconnect with voters who deliberately chose not to vote for this particular seat. It would be irresponsible to have a new election every time someone claims confusion' at voting precincts.

Well said for a man who hired a Hooters waitress, without a college degree, to work in his office.

MIT professor Charles Stewart said that the odds were 5 million to one that 18,000 voters avoided the District 13 congressional race.


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