Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bad Medicine

The Florida Medical Examiner's Commission found Dr. Charles Siebert negligent in 35 autopsies. The Commission wrote that Siebert failed "to perform the duties required of a medical examiner." He has since been placed on probation. Siebert is appealing.

''I think a lot of them are outrageous and are incorrect,'' said Siebert in a phone interview about the charges against him. ''There are certain things I can improve on, but nothing near the 35 errors they found.''

Siebert became a public figure for his autopsy on Martin Anderson. The teen was brutally beaten by guards at a Bay County boot camp.

Martin Anderson

Siebert ruled Anderson died of sickle cell trait. The Sickle Cell Disease Association of America disagreed.

"Attributing the death of this young man to sickle cell trait given the physical punishment he was put through does a disservice to the public and those in the sickle cell disease community," said Dr. Willarda Edwards.

The Anderson family had a second autopsy performed and found out that the cause of death was suffocation. Guards made Anderson swallow ammonia tablets and covered his mouth. The irony is Siebert hasn't even been placed on probation for the Anderson controversy. It's the other autopsies he screwed up.


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