Friday, March 17, 2006

Run Katheirine Run

Katherine Harris is sending this email out to her supporters.

Dear supporters,

On Wednesday night, Congresswoman Katherine Harris made an important announcement. She announced on National television that she is fully committed to winning the U.S. Senate seat in Florida this November.

"There is so much at stake for our country and our state," Katherine said last night. "I'm in this race and I'm going to win it."

As you may know, our campaign has come under fire recently. But this has not stopped us for a moment. Katherine Harris has fought for Floridians at the state and federal levels of government for many years with an outstanding record of accomplishments. It will be no different in the U.S. Senate.

I will get right to the point. Our campaign needs your support right now. We need to show the Democrats and Bill Nelson that our campaign is powerful and we have what it takes to win. Right now, the Nelson campaign is terrified because Katherine committed $10 million to win this race and Nelson no longer has a financial advantage. She is confident in her fight for U.S. Senate and as she stated last night, "I am willing to put everything on the line."

Harris is putting $10 million of her inheritance into the campaign.

"Is she fucking insane?" my friend Ben asked. "Even a good business man knows you don't put all your eggs in one basket."

Ed Rollins, Harris' chief political strategist, told her to quit the race.

Rollins said they worried about Harris' sluggish fundraising, her inability to generate excitement among top Republicans and future fallout from illegal campaign contributions she took from a defense contractor who has since pleaded guilty to bribing a California lawmaker.

Rollins said he and others told Harris it would be "very difficult" because she likely would have to spend considerable energy explaining the contributions.

Finally, he said, the advisers "made our recommendation that she should probably get out."

Harris' Quinnipiac University polling numbers are 31% to Bill Nelson's 53%.

Pushing Rope happily endorses Katherine Harris for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate.

Update: the Buzz reports that "four chiefs of staff, three district directors, three press secretaries and a number of lower-level employees" have left the campaign. My friend Ben noted that the Harris campaign has a faster turnover than McDonald's.


At March 17, 2006 3:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And because she's dropping so much dough on Operation Waste My Daddy's Money, she's triggered The Millionaire's Amendment, which means he can raise a ton more money. Yeah, I'm sure Nelson is quaking in his boots right about now. Oh, wait, that's from laughter.

At March 17, 2006 3:54 PM , Blogger Michael Hussey said...

Also, GOP loyalists are less willing to donate when she's dropping Daddy's cash.


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