Friday, April 20, 2012

Polytechnic is About Crony Capitalism Redux

Brannon Jordan of the Florida Democratic Party released this statement on Gov. Rick Scott signing the split of the Polytechnic from USF.
Tallahassee, FL – Florida Democratic Party spokeswoman Brannon Jordan today issued the following statement condemning Gov. Rick Scott for signing a bill to create a Polytechnic University in Lakeland, a pet project of Sen. JD Alexander. “This move is nothing more than an appalling and wasteful power play by the Republicans in Tallahassee. The people of Florida didn’t ask for this university, they don’t need it and can’t afford it.”
Rep. Kathy Castor released this statement.
""Governor Scott's decision will harm existing Florida universities and students. The governor's costly decision follows the GOP-controlled legislature's extreme cuts to higher education and will result in more crowded classrooms and possible damage to Florida's reputation. Great universities are built over time with students, faculty and community support. Unfortunately, Governor Scott turned a blind eye to the best interests of our great states."
The Democratic establishment keep talking as if Scott and J.D. Alexander made Polytechnic independent for conservative education idealogy. This was about crony capitalism. Alexander gets a university he needed to justify building a major road that will increase the value of real estate owned by Blue Atlantic. Scott approved the Sunrail line that would run by warehouses owned by Blue Atlantic. Alexander has used the legislative process to enrich his family's company. Polytechnic was about crony capitalists using tax dollars to enrich themselves. Scott may complain about a government takeover of health care. Scott was forced to step down from Columbia/HCA because of the health care provider's massive overcharging of Medicare and Medicaid. Scott and Alexander aren't fiscally conservative when tax dollars are lining their pockets.

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