Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Another Blue Dog About to Bite the Dust

Conservative Democrats never learn. Suzanne Kosmas is the latest casuality. She voted against the health care bill. Kosmas also backed extending the Bush tax cuts. This pandering to far-right Republicans who will never vote for her has dropped her in the polls. The result is the DCCC is pulling two weeks of ad buys for her campaign.

"The DCCC constantly makes adjustments based on the level of Republican activity in a district," DCCC Chairman Chris Van Hollen said in a statement. "We are fully invested in the critical voter contact efforts in Suzanne Kosmas’s campaign. We will continue to keep our options open as events change and remain confident that our efforts, coupled with Suzanne’s overwhelming financial advantage, will ensure a victory in November."

If the DCCC is so confident about Kosmas' chances their would not have pulled their television ad money. I always hate when political parties say their candidate is going to win when their actions dictate otherwise. In the future, I will call political party spin, such as this, doing a Kenneth Quinnell.

Kosmas positioned herself to the right. The Right is going to vote for Republican Sandy Adams. Voters like to see a candidate actually stand for something. To the voter that projects strength. Jim DeMint and Michele Bachmann sound deranged to me, but I understand that their supporters think they are fighters. It is the same reason that Paul Wellstone and Al Franken were able to get elected. I am not sure what Kosmas stands for and that is the reason she will probably lose.

Update: Nate Silver gives Sandy Adams an 84.2 percent chance of winning. Kosmas' chances of winning are 15.8. I guarantee Chris Van Hollen (who has done agood job at the DCCC) will not mention anything about Silver's number.

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At October 13, 2010 12:43 PM , Blogger Professor Rex said...

As usual, when you mention my name, you say something ridiculous. Look back over our conversations and you will find zero instances of me saying Meek "will win." I never said that. So you are naming something after me that I never did. I always talked about possibilities, never certainty.

At October 13, 2010 6:17 PM , Blogger Michael Hussey said...

Kenneth, you are actually claiming that you never did spin for Meek? You repeatedly stated Democrats are behind Meek. I have provided evidence that isn't the case. The Palm Beach Democrats are asking Meek to withdrawal. After your less than stellar work on a crash and burn campaign your political career is over.

As far as conversations, I remember them as you sending one hostile email after another. I think you should see someone about your anger issues. I still want those 2rd quarter online fundraising numbers that you claimed was so impressive.


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