Friday, October 08, 2010

Kendrick Meek Zombie Watch: Kos Wants Meek Out

Markos Moulitsas Zúniga (aka Kos) would love nothing more than for Kendrick Meek to drop out of the race. Apparently, Kos wasn't swayed by Kenneth Quinnell's spectacular netroots outreach.

The only question left is whether Meek knows this. His options at this point are pretty much to lose on November 2, or to not lose by passing the baton to Crist. There's no way he'll be in the Senate next January.

That's not to say that Crist can win. I'm pretty pessimistic about Florida's Senate race no matter what happens at this point. But if you're going to have a loser in the race that's not Rubio, I'd rather it be Crist than Meek. And at least with Crist we have a fighting chance.

Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal reports on a rumor that Democrats are trying to get Meek to withdraw. Moore cites no on-the record sources. So take this as gossip.

The Meek campaign sent out this email in reaction to the stories of dropping out.

The experts have spoken. Only Kendrick Meek can stand up to Marco Rubio, the Tea Party and the corporate special interests who want to take Florida back to the brink. The only thing that's standing in the way is Charlie Crist and his desperate campaign. From throwing wild pitches to spreading lies about Kendrick's campaign, Crist and his campaign are trying to fool Floridians into thinking he will stand up to Marco Rubio and his Tea Party friends. That never was and never will be the case. Kendrick's in a one-on-one race against the clock with Rubio and Kendrick has to drag Crist's weight behind him.

Exactly who are these experts that say Meek can beat Rubio in a two man race. Meek's campaign has no money and the canidate has had two years to make an impression on votrers. Earth to Meek campaign: Meek is a zombie candidate.

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At October 09, 2010 10:31 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Someone wrote: "…it was Crist who abandoned the Republican voters and Republican Party after discovering his moderate liberal governing was costing him support…." Yes he did. But, had Crist been an opportunist like Marco, he would have abandoned his moderate position in a flash to keep the support of the party loyalists - because he is a man of conviction, he did not.

When he was leading by double digits in the polls, the Governor, confronted with a choice renouncing his moderate principles or his membership in the Republican Party that has changed to be: an ultra conservative, divisive, racist tea party zealots, as a leader for all Floridians, a man of deep conviction, Crist chose to stand with the people of Florida. As a result, the RPOF deemed Crist their enemy #1; they want his head on a silver platter and have launched war against Crist. Worst, they are trying to attack and destroy anyone who publicly believe in and support Crist. CRIST IS FLORIDA’S JOB. It is time that all decent and reasonable Floridians stand with Crist and come out and vote for Crist. JUST LIKE JOB, CRIST WILL TRIUMPH.

At October 09, 2010 12:16 PM , Blogger Professor Rex said...

Kos wasn't swayed by the candidate, it had nothing to do with me. Kos likes me. He really dislikes Meek. Nothing I could've done would've changed Kos's mind. That being said, when I was on the campaign and doing outreach with Markos, he stopped writing stuff like this. I left, he started again.

At October 09, 2010 4:09 PM , Blogger Michael Hussey said...

That being said, when I was on the campaign and doing outreach with Markos, he stopped writing stuff like this. I left, he started again.

Kenneth, any idea in the change of position. My take is Kos is willing to throw Meek under the bus to help Crist. I'm not entirely surprised, but a year ago I couldn't see Kos taking this position. Misgivings with Meek aside.

At October 09, 2010 4:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The only question left is whether Meek knows this. His options at this point are pretty much to lose on November 2, or to not lose by passing the baton to Crist. There's no way he'll be in the Senate next January".

Lose by passing the baton to Charlie is the manly & honorable thing to do. If he cares about Floridians that is exactly what he would do as opposed to continuing the media to promote himself.

At October 09, 2010 11:19 PM , Blogger Professor Rex said...

Kos hates Meek (over things like Cuba and some others) and he thinks Rubio is very dangerous, so he's thought all along that Crist should've run as a Democrat. He's convinced Meek can't win now, so he's trying to find a way for Crist to win.

At October 10, 2010 6:04 PM , Blogger Michael Hussey said...

He's convinced Meek can't win now

Kos is right. If you are claiming Meek can win you are either delusional are a party hack. The Democratic Party blew it when they let Clinton play kingmaker for Meek and cleared the field. Find me ten major Democratic party insiders that will say Meek would have had the field cleared (Jeff Greene was a flaky outsider) without the Clinton endorsement.


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