Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Birthday to Litbrit

Deborah Newell Tornello (aka Litbrit) is celebrating her birthday today. Deb has won Creative Loafing Best of the Bay and Florida Netroots awards for her blog work. Deb adores her kids, her husband, pets and abhors all things related to Sarah Palin.

Now is a good time to share some of Litbrit's greatest hits.

Litbrit's first blog post (which was about a previous birthday party.)

"Three Reasons Why I Am Pro-Choice"

Litbrit taking Dave Weigel to the woodshed.

Litbrit on the meaning of Obama's election night victory.

Why Obama winning the Democratic nomination reminded Litbrit of the glass ceiling many women had to break.

Litbrit takes blogger Catherine Robinson to task for suggesting there is a double standard for Congressman Joe Wilson's racist taint "you lie" and Kayne West interrupting Taylor Swift's acceptance speech. There is a difference between a racist and a douchebag.

Litbrit remembering her friend Cynthia.

Litbrit's reaction to winning the Best of the Bay award for best local blog.

Litbrit on Palin's BabyGate.

Go over to Deb's site and wish her a happy birthday.

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At October 12, 2010 9:48 AM , Blogger Deborah Newell said...

Michael, what a lovely surprise! Thank you for the kind words and for reminding me of those posts. I was feeling a bit down yesterday and this morning--you know, overthinking everything and thus pouring on the self-criticism and doubt. You've reminded me that when I put my mind to it, I can actually write a sentence or two. Thank you.


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