Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Kendrick Meek Zombie Watch: Kenneth Quinnell Leaving Campaign

Kenneth Quinnell is leaving the Kendrick Meek campaign. The official reason is to spend more time with his family and he can't make the move to Miami. The Meek campaign is taking on a new media director. No word yet on who that will be.

My thoughts: how many times have we heard people leave campaigns to spend more time with their families. Quinnell may very well need to be with his family. To the political cynical and astute this will read like the usual excuse. The Meek netroots campaign has been a bust. There is no two ways around this.

Update: the new media director position has been eliminated from the Meek campaign. That really makes me think Quinnell was fired.

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At September 08, 2010 12:05 AM , Anonymous Dave Harper said...

Kenneth Quinnell's young children live in Tallahassee. Meek's campaign HQ is in Miami. Reading something more into Kenny's decision to remain in the same part of the state as his kids is highly cynical, even for you Michael.

I applaud fathers who want to be involved with raising their children.

Kenneth has always placed a high priority on his relationship with his children. Since his divorce, he has done everything possible to remain a positive presence in their lives.

At least one of his kids is a special needs child. This isn't the kind of responsibility that a good parent can shrug off.

While this might "read like the usual excuse", a parent must set priorities.

At September 08, 2010 2:20 PM , Anonymous LetsGoSink2010 said...

The original post in which Kenneth announced he was leaving the Meek campaign included the following reasons,

"I was effectively laid off based on two reasons: 1. I couldn’t move to Miami to work out of the campaign headquarters. I am the divorced father of three young children, at least one of whom is special needs, and I can’t live eight hours away at this point. 2. It really is a luxury for a campaign to have a full-time paid new media director when you are facing the combined fund-raising prowess of the sitting governor of one of the largest and most powerful states in the union and the darling of the Tea Party movement."

I guess my point is if the campaign is strapped for cash and was eliminating the position, what's the difference whether Kenneth could move to Miami or not? Point #2 seemingly invalidates point #1.

At September 08, 2010 4:44 PM , Blogger Michael Hussey said...

My understanding is the campaign is hiring a new media director.

Dave, I have no problem with Kenneth leaving to spend more time with his kids. However, I have followed politics long enough to never take things as face value. I know people don't like my take on Team Meek's netroots campaign, but the fact remains it has been a disaster.


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