Glenn Beck Rally News

Photo of Tea Party guy at Glenn Beck's so-called civil rights rally.
Brad Luna gave Americablog an eyewitness account of Glenn Beck's weird anti-civil rights rally.
The crowd stretches from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington Monument. This is why the Democratic Party should be concerned. How many of our base would show up at a rally today? Why does the WH not get the enthusiasm gap is real. I can only imagine what Rahm must be thinking, looking out the window of 1600 Penn today.
The Republican turnout for Marco Rubio shows the tea party base is growing and should be taken as a serious threat to the Democratic establishment. The Obama administration is going to learn the hard way triangulation does not work as a political strategy.
Gottalaff has photos of the Beck and Al Sharpton rallies. Notice the lack of black people at the Beck rally.
Update: Beck goes all con man preacher on the Tea Party crowd.
Something that is beyond man is happening," Beck said in opening the event as the crowd thronged near the memorial grounds. "America today begins to turn back to God."
"Something"? Beck is infamous for speaking in vague generalities. This is the same Beck who claimed America would be flowing in "rivers of blood." That rhetoric sound more fearmongering than Christ-like.
Update: this poor white dude says he is being held back from career advancement by homosexuals and affirmative action. Hilarity ensues.
Update: the brilliant Tina Dupuy tweets this observation of Beck.
Cynicism: invoking the unquestioned power of god while wearing a bullet proof vest.
Labels: glenn beck, racism, tea party, tina dupuy
Notice the lack of people at the Sharpton rally.
The Sharpton rally doesn't have Fox News doing free publicity.
God bless Glenn Beck - values, inspiring, encourages individual introspection and individual responsibility. Sharpton is just an angry man and has no credibility.
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