Friday, August 27, 2010

The Joel Award: Charlie Crist

It is time to give out the Joel Award. The award goes to any celebrity, pundit, blogger or politician that purposely contradicts himself or herself.

When Charlie Crist was running for the Republican Senate nomination he was against the bill. On the day of the bill's signing, Crist said the bill should be repealed.

Crist said in a television interview that he would have voted for the bill with reservations.

Crist sent out a press release claiming he was always against the health care reform bill.

FACT CHECK: Recent reports in the media have confused my position on the Obama health care bill.

The Obama health care bill was too big, too expensive, and expanded the role of government far too much. Had I been in the United States Senate at the time, I would have voted against the bill because of unacceptable provisions like the cuts to the Medicare Advantage program. But being an independent, I have the freedom to be an honest broker for the people of Florida without regard for political party, and the reality is this: despite its serious flaws, the Obama health care bill does have some positive aspects.

Repeal must be accompanied by a responsible substitute — repeal without passage of a substitute law protecting those with pre-existing conditions, closing the prescription drug donut hole for seniors, and allowing parents to keep their children on their insurance coverage until age 26 would be wrong. While I would not have supported the legislation, we have to recognize the positive components and work together across party lines to make our health care system more affordable for both consumers and the government.

This debate must not be about political posturing; it must be about protecting the people of Florida and America, and I intend to do that hard work when I get to the United States Senate.

Charlie Crist

The only person "confused" about Crist's position is Crist. The Governor's number one priority is to get elected. Crist will say what he has to to achieve that goal. Every politician does it but Crist has turned political pandering into an art form.

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