Monday, July 26, 2010

Wingnut Alert: Randall Terry

Christian conservative Randall Terry's latest press release uses the imagery of the lynchings the Klu Klux Klan did to blacks last century in America. Terry writes he plans to "burn, hang, or beat Lindsey Graham in effigy for his recent vote for Elena Kagan."

"If a man brings the enemy into your camp, he is helping the enemy; when he helps the enemy, he has become the enemy, and must be treated as such. Mr. Graham has betrayed God and innocent babies; we must treat him as a fraud and a traitor from this moment forth.

"On a lighter note, since Mr. Graham uses babies as pawns in his game of politics, we will play some 'games' in front of his offices, such as 'pin the flip-flop' on the donkey, and beating a Graham pinata. We promise - it will be a lot of fun."

Terry is the founder of Operation Rescue; an organization that places personal information about abortion providers on the internet. Dr. George Tiller's murderer Scott Roeder was in contact with Operation Rescue's Cheryl Sullenger. Terry's defense of his former organization's contact with Roeder is sickening.

I grieve for him that he did not have an opportunity to properly prepare his soul to face his Maker. Unless some miracle happened, he left this life with his hands drenched with the innocent blood of tens of thousands of babies that he murdered. Surely there will be a dreadful accounting for what he has done.

It now falls to pro-life leaders like myself to stand strong and unflinching in the face of the unjust criticism we will now endure because of his killing. And so I turn my attention to the attacks that will follow his death.

Sullenger constantly notified Roeder of Tiller's movements. Terry couldn't say anything nice about Tiller after he died and glossed over Roeder having help from anti-abortionists whom call themselves Christian. Terry's words about "burn, hang, or beat" Sen. Graham should be taken seriously.

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