Saturday, June 05, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Remember, Rasmussen has two modes -- the narrative setting mode, which he's used to great effect this year to fuel the "Democrats are doomed" narrative, and the "get it right" mode he uses the closer we actually get to the actual election. Well, we are not that close to November yet, but apparently he felt threatened by having such massive outliers vis a vis other pollsters. So he rushed new polling more in line with the composite treandlines.

"It is kind of hard to set narratives when you become a laughingstock in the political world."

Markos Moulitsas, founder of Daily Kos also noticed how Rasmussen suddenly adjusted his poll numbers. Political followers have long known that Rasmussen's robo-calling polling has been notibly unreliable. (The best polling is one-one one interaction.) Rasmussen admits to wording questions a certainly way to make news. Rasmussen has written for the right-wing conspiarcy nuthouse known as WorldNetDaily and wrote a book arguing for the privatization of Social Security. To say that Rasmussen isn't running agenda driven polling is believable as suggesting the goal of Daily Kos is to get Republicans elected.

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