Derek Black is Back (Unfortunately)
Derek Black is the son of former Klu Klux Klan grand wizard Don Black. In 2007, The younger Black attempted to get himself elected to the Palm Beach County's Republican Executive Committee. David Duke is a supporter of Black attempting to gain access into the Florida GOP. Chair Sid Dinerstein cited Black's failure to sign a loyalty oath pledge and white supremist activities as reasons for being barred from the Committee.
"He participates in white supremacist activities," Dinerstein said. "We're the party of Lincoln. We're the party that says we don't judge anybody by the color of their skin."
Flash forward two years later: Black is legally fighting the decision that kept him from the Republican Executive Committee. Black is still losing.
The Aug. 26 ruling by the 3rd District Court of Appeals upheld a lower court’s order that the Miami-Dade GOP seat 19 people who won elections but were disqualified by the loyalty oath requirement. The appeals court said the Miami-Dade GOP hadn’t given the candidates adequate notice of a new deadline for the loyalty oath.
Black’s attorney, Lee Levenson of Boynton Beach, contends the Palm Beach County GOP failed to tell Black and other candidates of a new Republican Party of Florida requirement that they sign the oath by June 20, 2008 rather than before taking office in December 2008.
Black should just become a Tea Party candidate and give up being accepted by the Republican Party. Tea Party activists, such as Dale Robertson, would probably welcome Black. The picture below is Robertson at a Tea Party rally.

Labels: derek black, hate, racism
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