Monday, July 27, 2009

Nazi Blog Bites Back

Anchorage Activist, at the blog White Reference, has taken exception to Alex Pickett's post. Activist takes exception to Jud Süß being labeled as anti-Semitic. Activist claims that the movie is pro-jewish. Joseph Goebbels selected Veit Harlan to make propaganda films. Goebbels was thrilled with the results of the film.

"An anti-Semitic film of the kind we could only wish for," Goebbels wrote in his diary. "I am happy about it."

Activist did not take exception with Pickett's description of White Reference as a Nazi blog.

(2). This blog, White Reference, is a "Nazi" blog. Not that this hurts my feelings; if being considered "racists" and "Nazis" hurt our feelings, we would not be racial nationalists. Besides, we know that lefties consider anything and anybody to the right of Barack Obama to be "racist" and "Nazi", so those designations lost their sting a long time ago. But if the TBO blogger had done any homework, the person would know that national socialism is a subset of racial nationalism. While racial nationalism is a philosophy, national socialism is a specific form of governance within that philosophy. More precisely, this blog promotes white nationalism, although I also recognize racial populists (like the BNP and the Council of Conservative Citizens) as being pro-White, and I do believe that Germany's National Socialists started out well.

Most people would be outraged by being called a Nazi. Not Anchorage Activist. The blog links to to the Klu Klux Klan web site. The KKK's history of lynchings is not about ethnic pride. The KKK are more than willing to murder. Check out the comment section in the White Reference post.

"""By 2012, White people will be looking for a tough White leader to kick that nigger out of the White House. """

But they won't be looking for someone who they would consider a "racist". That "label" automatically looses all democrat votes, most independent votes and many republican votes. Pride in ones race and racism need to be split just like the BNP did.

These commenters makes Freepers seem civil.

Goebbels himself said Jud Süß is an anti-Semitic movie. Why Activist has to go through the motions about lying about the movie's content is tiresome. Does anyone seriously believe White Reference would give Schindler's List a rave review?

Anchorage Activist is a Sarah Palin supporter. What a base Palin is building for the GOP. White supremists, birthers and tea baggers will chase people out of the Republican Party.

Note: No one on this blog works for the Tampa Tribune or Our posts have been running on the site without our consent. We are attempting to resolve that issue.

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