Monday, March 09, 2009

The Message Is Republicans Aren't Getting the Message

Rep. Patrick McHenry believes Republicans need to keep repeating the same message over and over.

“We will lose on legislation. But we will win the message war every day, and every week, until November 2010,” said Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., an outspoken conservative who has participated on the GOP message teams. “Our goal is to bring down approval numbers for [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and for House Democrats. That will take repetition. This is a marathon, not a sprint.”

Tom McClusky, of the Family Research Council, advises the Republicans to serve only the base.

"The Republicans need to take a step back from the big-tent philosophy," said Tom McClusky, a vice-president of the Family Research Council, a bastion of social conservatism. "All a big tent does is attract a lot of clowns."

A recent New York Times/CBS poll found Barack Obama with a 63 percent approval rating. Bobby Jindal used the usual Republican rhetoric to attack Obama's SOTU. Several polls found Obama's approval ratings going up after the State of the Union address. The problem with Republicans is the public doesn't view the party is serious about governing. The GOP can talk about small government. The fact remains is you are elected to public office you are expected to govern effectively. The Bush years have damaged public perception on the Republican brand. Jindal's SOTU response argued against a federal response to Katrina. History will show the federal government didn't do enough for New Orleans.

Alcoholics Anonymous says, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Republicans are repeating a message that hasn't worked in the last two elections. The GOP's soul will be fought for by the David Brooks/David Frum Republicans vs. the social conservative and Grover Norquist anti-tax faction.

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