Friday, October 03, 2008

Great Moments In Conservative Punditry

Mr. H of Peer Review is mad as hell and he is not going to take it anymore. "I can't stand it any longer however," Mr. H said. "so here we go."

What could make this Christian conservative warrior seethe? Is this rightious anger for people that can not pay their mortgages? Maybe the growing unemployment in Florida? Perhaps an issue of greater urgency.

What can't I stand? The BS being tossed around this country's "media" as fact. BARACK IS NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN!

I always know a conservative blogger is angry when THE BIG CAP KEYS ARE USED. For the seeing impaired listening to this post; a conservative blogger will come to your house AND YELL IN YOUR FUCKING EAR.

Mr. H was able to deduce Obama's blackness through the power of blogging. Mr. H is saying that Obama is not black because his mother was white. People will someday realize that police will not have to go to crime scenes to investigate murders. They can just blog. It is so much more convenient.

Conservatives want justices to be strict constructionist. I will apply that same standard to this blog post. Mr. H never once used the word multi-racial. That means if Obama is not black then he must be white. I'm so glad Mr. H cleared up that mystery.

Meet Barack Obama. Another white guy running for the President. We can only dream that someday a true black man like Alan Keyes will become President.

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At October 03, 2008 6:21 PM , Blogger tas said...

Somebody should forward that post to the Special Blogging Olympics.

At October 04, 2008 3:46 PM , Blogger Michael Hussey said...

Of all the things in this election and media cycle to be angry about. Mr. H is worked up about the coverage of Obama's enthicity. What priorities!


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