Thursday, October 02, 2008

McCain Campaign v. Florida Conservative Activists

It is panic time for the Republican Party of Florida. The St. Petersburg Times reports conservatives grassroots activists are complaining about disorganization and a lack of respect from the McCain campaign.

McCain supporter and former Republican Party of Florida chairman Tom Slade said he's been hearing rumblings over the past few weeks that the campaign is not fully utilizing volunteers, though he said that was not the case in Jacksonville.

"I get the sense that on the statewide basis, the grass roots Republicans don't quite feel like they have a natural fit within the McCain organization," Slade said.

Things have gotten so bad that RPoF Chairman Jim Greer held a meeting in Tallahassee. Greer confirmed the meeting to the St. Petersburg Times. The best that Greer could spin was "I have a responsibility to make sure things are done right." Of course, Greer does. The problem seems to be with the McCain people.

This was bound to happen. Obama placed campaign offices around the state and actively recruited volunteers. It's easy to see why Obama was an effective community organizer. McCain is a long time Washington insider who is used to staffers following his mandates. Running a campaign is different than operating a Senate office. McCain and his people fail to understand that conservative activists are backing him because they are anti-Obama. Not pro-McCain.

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