Gallup Poll On Iraq War

Gallup's latest Iraq war poll breaks the survey group's record for least popular war ever.
The new high in Iraq war opposition is also notable because it is the highest "mistake" percentage Gallup has ever measured for an active war involving the United States -- surpassing by two points the 61% who said the Vietnam War was a mistake in May 1971. At that time, however, Gallup found greater uncertainty (11% no opinion) and lower outright support for the Vietnam War (28% said it was not a mistake) than it does for the Iraq war today (36%), so it is not clear-cut as to which war was less popular with the American public.
The bad is news for Bush is the war is polling better than him. The Decider set a Gallup record for worst quarterly approval rating. 31.3 percent and sinking.
Labels: gallup poll, george w. bush, iraq, poll
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