Florida Legislature's Lack of Balls

Florida Senator Carey Baker was not going to let Gary Siplin out do him for dumbest legislation of the year. Siplin has gone on a two year crusade against droopy pants. Baker decided Truck Nutz was of legislative importance.
"I find it shocking we'd tell people with metallic testicles on their bumpers that this is a violation," said Sen. Steve Geller, D-Hallandale. "There's got to be better things for us to spend time debating."
Geller suggested this ban might be followed by prohibiting silhouettes of nude women on truck mud flaps or decals depicting a small boy relieving himself on another truck logo.
"We're basically going to have the bumper police," King said.
"All their concerns are legitimate," Baker said of the critics. "And I do have more important things to do this session. But I think this is important, too."
A sure barometer of political stupidity is Wonkette. The passage of Baker's amendment to the transportation bill made the political humor site. The story is making national news in an unflattering way. The Florida Senate spent two days debating the merits of this bill. That sound you hear is your tax dollars being flushed away.
"There's got to be better things for us to be spending our time debating," lamented Senate Minority Leader Steve Geller (D - Cooper City). There are boring issues like the budget deficit, property taxes, growth management, the CSX pork bill and reforming KidCare. Taking up these issues would show political courage that the Florida Senate has never shown. Just because the Senate is against balls doesn't mean they have a pair.
Motorists will be fined $60.00 if they are caught displaying Truck Nutz on their vechicles. Law enforcements officers have a new method to make their ticket quota. Taking tacky metallic nuts off of trucks will do nothing to improve the quality of life in Florida.
A scary sidenote: Jim King informed the chamber he is a proud owner of Truck Nutz. Further proof that it's hip to be square.
Labels: carey baker, florida legislature, truck nutz, weird
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