Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Evolution Blues

In 2005, Jeb Bush fed his base by making a stand against the teaching of evolution in Florida public schools.

"I think people have different points of view and they can be discussed in school," Bush said. "They don't need to be in the curriculum."

Around that time, Bush's handpicked State Board of Education moved the decision to review if evolution should be mentioned in the curriculum to 2007. Charlie Crist has an opportunity to correct Jeb's wrong. The SToE will review the decision in 2008. There is a new proposal being floated by educators.

The new standards, which members of the State Board of Education will consider for adoption early next year, are likely to rekindle the debate over science and religion, and what's appropriately taught in public schools.

Under the plan, evolution and biological diversity are together considered one of several "big ideas," firmly grounded by "multiple forms of scientific evidence."

The proposal not only deserves strong public support, but also raises the question: What took so long?

The answer is this is Florida. State officials are allergic to good ideas.

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