Andrew Meyer Gets Probation

Andrew "Don't Tase Me, Bro" Meyer will not go to jail. He was given 18 months probation in exchange for community sevice, a donation to American Cancer Society and the writing three apology letters. One each to the University of Florida, and Bernie Machen and UF Police Department.
State Attorney Bill Cervone explains the plea agreement.
“It is to me important to remember that in our community, perhaps more than in many others, we deal with a large number of young people, some of whom cross the line into criminal behavior without necessarily intending to do so and without understanding the possible consequences to their futures of what they are doing. A responsible society should attempt to correct rather than simply punish such behavior when there is no indication that doing so risks creating a threat to the safety or peace of the community. This agreement accomplishes that and puts the burden on Mr. Meyer to demonstrate his ability to be a productive participant in society, which I trust he will do," Cervone said.
Meyer issued a statemant expressing he is aware of the error of his ways.
"I didn't write write these letters to get off the hook," Meyer states. "I wrote them genuinely, accepting responsibility for breaking the forum rules. I am truly sorry, especially for the negative spotlight which has been cast on the university."
UF has enough image problems without Taser Boy. Meyer created an PR problem for the Left. Michelle Malkin (who has her own image problems of her own) used Meyer to brand lefties ranting lunatics. People like Meyer are the gift that keeps giving to the Right-wing noise machine.
I don't think Meyer should have been tased. I was outraged when I first saw the video. That doesn't mean Meyer should have butt in front of people hog the microphone and not give John Kerry a chance to answer his questions. That behavior is better suited for Bill O'Reilly's show and not a public forum.
Labels: andrew meyer, university of florida
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