Sunday, September 09, 2007

Charlie Crist & PIP

Charlie Crist on PIP (Personal Injury Protection) insurance.

"Probably not. I would like it to be extended. I would sign it if it were extended. I think $10,000 worth of coverage is better than none.

"But I didn't run for governor thinking about PIP. I really didn't. I ran for governor to protect Florida, to try to help consumers, to help education. This was not foremost in my mind.

Florida Senate President Ken Pruitt and Marco Rubio called off the Sept. 18 special session. PIP was one of the issues that was to be debated. Now it appears likely to PIP will sunset. A Florida Today op-ed said, "Gov. Charlie Crist says he wants to keep PIP alive, but hasn't taken any responsibility for making it happen." That is being generous.

There maybe another explanation for Crist's lack of action. Trial lawyers and insurance companies heavily contributed to his 2006 campaign. Insurance companies want to get rid of no-fault insurance. This would result in more lawsuits from car accidents. Which would benefit attorneys. All this benefits his base.

Crist is certainly capable of making bad policy decisions to help supporters. He appointed fundraiser Ron Bergeron to the Wildlife Conservation Commission. Bergeron is a developer best known for wrestling a gator and losing.

It is not a stretch to think that Crist wants PIP to sunset.

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