Southwest Airlines Miniskirt Police
Passenger Kyla Ebbert was taken off a Southwest Airlines flight because of her outfit. What she was wearing is what most young women her age find fashionable. Her miniskirt and top were not showing her naughty bits. The problem is airlines over-react everytime there is a complaint from a single passenger. It wasn't like Ebbert was performing the striptease scene from 9 1/2 Weeks. Don't airlines have better things to do, like check to see if penguins are terrorists.

Litbrit has a post on Southwest Airlines.
Labels: feminism, kyla ebbert, southwest airlines
OMG, just when you think you've seen it all. What a spectacular display of stupidity.
I'd ask, What next? But having had more run-ins with the TSA than I care to mention, I know better!
Southwest airlines is also the airline who escorted out of the plane and refused access to a passenger for wearing a shirt that said "Meet the Fuckers", with pictures of Bush, Cheney, Michael Brown (FEMA Director) and Michael Chertoff (Office of Homeland Security).
Where on SW Airline do they post rules on what you can/cannot wear on their flights. Is it on the back of the ticket?
If it were me, I would have told them to tell the person who didn't like the way I was dressed to cover their eyes not me cover my legs.
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