:: Naked Brunch: Oh, my achin' ... ::

I have pretty much missed the entire week of news. I somewhat believe it isn't much different than a soap opera. You can miss the episodes for a while and catch up pretty easily. In that vein, let's see what's been goin' on. But, first.......I'm going to go make myself a 4-cheese omelet with some sliced ripe Bosc Pear and red Grapes and organic Arabica bean coffee. Be right back........ oh, yum! Delicious!!
Robert Dowling has a new offering: The Obsession Continues
3 Quarks Daily gives us Lee Iacocas new book, "Where have all the leaders gone?" Go read the excerpt. Just for that alone, its' worth buying.
Acephalous hilarious misunderstanding: Jack London's Swanson Dinner
Gaddafi thinks the world should listen to him on Darfur. As if. On the other hand, Bush has probably been listening if the actions of the US are any indication of our inaction.
Atlantic Free Monthly on their own prediction of the housing slump considering Treasury Secretary Paulson's sunny forecast.
Sex Czar fucks paid women without condoms? Hypocrite. Think Progress has more on the DC Madam's List.
Jill of Brilliant at Breakfast was up way early on a Sunday morn finding us some awesome vid tunes.
Burnt Orange Report on voting in Texas: "I did it because I'm Republican." So, you are admitting to a party bias of suppressing votes?
Empire Burlesque asks for your attention and support of Arthur Silber: Once Upon a Time
FP Passport: X-Presidents (check out the photo)
Jesus' General's inner Frenchman needs some love (and music appreciation classes.)
Marked Hoosier's got himself a Doggie Fan!
Mousemusings: The guy that makes the most sense (and who has a conscience) is often the one most ignored.
Norwegianity curses.
P! on Kucinich and Mike Gravel and Tenet on Cheney & Iraq.
Pushing Rope has video of Mike Gravel.
TOXICITY: Well-deserved, I say.
Fetishists high-heeled shoe and the full-length glove....
Straight White Guy and newborns.
Josh Marshall on Dick Durbin's lack of insight.
Texas Kaos on the Anti-Abortion Terrorism Suspect Arrested in Austin
The American Street on Bush's pre-mature ejaculation evacuation.
The Anonymous Liberal on justifying the Iraq invasion.
Over at the Carpetbagger Report, immigration is Satan's fault. Why am I thinking Jesus' General would be all over this?
The Rude Pundit: Count Guiliani
Carbon Vacuums Cool!
Why are 82 inmates cleared of any terrorism acts or associations still being held at Guantanamo? Cripes!
Protesters demand Bush's impachment while he speechifies immigration plans and Cuba at Florida college. Who the hell cares what the speech was about. He's impotent anyway you look at it.
The RBC concludes that Obama crushed Hillary and I've got to agree.
Corpus Mmothra: President Al Goldstein as First Bottom
A Softer World: Can I get me one of those? It's a great way to end this post.
PS - Rip's too busy to post. Guess why? I hope he isn't too busy for tonight's Decompression Chamber.tag: relay for life, cancer, hillary, obama, hugs, walking, soap opera, news, politics, blogging, prostitute, madam, aids, sex, hypocrites, abstince only sex education, abortion clinic bombing, naked brunch, omelet, swansondinner, jack london, housing industry, because i am republican, democrat, dogs, curses, ejaculate, evacuation, guantanamo, prisoners, protesters, impeachment, immigraition, cuba, zen cabin, decompression chamber
Labels: Naked Brunch
I hear Randall L. Tobias knows a good massage therapist.
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