More Charges Filed On Abbate

14 charges have been added to the indictmewnt against disgraced Chicago police officer Anthony Abbate. He is the police officer caught on video assaulting bartender Karolina Obrycka.
The charges, filed Thursday, include seven counts of official misconduct, one count of communicating with a witness, three counts of intimidation and three counts of conspiracy, Cook County State's Attorney's office spokeswoman Tandra Simonton said.
The communicating with a witness, intimidation and conspiracy charges stem from two people known as Patty and Gary attempting to bribe Obrycka into silence. The owner of Jesse's Shortstop Inn Tavern was threatened with having drugs planted in his establishment. There was a coordinated effort to silence Obrycka.
NBC5 has photos of Patty and Gary attempting to bride Obrycka.
What made matters worse was Abbate was still charged with a single misdemeanor charge. The video tape and police intimidation stories forced the state attorney's office to drop the misdemeanor and charge him with a felony. Chicago Police Superintendent Philip J. Cline stepped down because of the lack of control over his own officers.
The barroom beatings by Chicago police officers is a widespread problem. Abbate's brother Terry was caught on video in a fight with another officer. Six officers have been stripped of police powers for a fight with four men at Jefferson Tap and Grille. A lawsuit as been filed against the officers. These incidents have shown a deep culture of corruption in Chicago law enforcement.
Labels: anthony abbate, karolina obrycka, police brutality
WOW !! Yet another sterling common touch we share with Chicago.
It's some kinda wonderful.
These people are SICKENING.
Abuse of the public trust === and Tampa hiring as many of them as she can get her hands on.
This calls for full Federal investigation. It's clear that the CPD will never clean its own house. The corruption there is not one man deep, as the CPD would have you believe--"just a few rogue officers giving the rest a bad name." This evil is many layers deep, as evidenced by the concerted efforts to charge Abbate with only a misdemeanor, to deny press access to Abbate, and to silence witnesses. An Abbate can't float to the surface without a pervasive culture of governmental corruption to support him.
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