Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Dumbest Post I've Ever Seen From A Lefty Blog

This post at Punk Ass Blog has to be read to be believed.

Everybody, especially on the left, is a giant racist sexist who gleefully makes fun of other cultures while being terrified of them at the same time.

Everybody, especially on the left, is always othering somebody else and justifying US military intervention.

Everybody, especially on the left, makes equivalent errors in judgment, because unapologetically using blackface and/or referring to yourself as someone’s “better” is totally the same as using a patriarchally oppressive burqa to show the logical conclusion of a body-hater’s arguments.

My first thought was would Marc Faletti care to name who these liberals are? Bitch | Lab beat me to the punch. Faletti's response is to not to even attempt to defend his post.

It’s tough to say. Critical thinking or observation is passe, apparently, and I can’t be bothered to apply any.

It's bad enough Faletti uses "they" to stake out his argument. It's quite another to call a group of people racists with zero proof. There are racists in the world. You wouldn't know who "they" are from Faletti's post. (Like this guy hangs in the hood with the brothers?)

Faletti has Amanda Marcotte come to the rescue. I let Miss B deal with her. You really have to read her post. I just leave you with Amanda's defense of Faletti.

Crys, I’m sick to death of the 3 white women who keep beating and beating on this thing wearing the mantle that disagreeing with you=disagreeing with People Of Color.

Short answer: if you disagree with a white guy calling liberals racist then you're disrespecting minorities. That's some leap in logic.


At October 18, 2006 3:51 PM , Blogger Michael Hussey said...

People shouldn't have to know the back story. His actual post stated that liberals are racists. He didn't feel the need to explain his post. I take exception to that. If there's a back story then he should link to previous posts and say he's being sarcastic. As it stands, he's lucky Misha or Little Green Footballs didn't link to that post as proof of liberals being racist.


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