Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Right Wing Howler & Wizard of Oz Connection

Vilmar fires off his latest piece of bile at John Murtha.

The sooner this bastard drops dead of a heart attack, the better off our country will be.

Vilmar calls the congressman "John 'Cut and Run' Murtha." The congressman isn't courageous...compared to Vilmar? By what standards does Vilmar measure the valor of a man? I really like to know.

Murtha served in active and reserve duty with the Marines from 1952 to 1990. He was a drill instructor at Paris Island. Murtha did a tour of Vietnam and was awarded the Bronze Star with Valor device, two Purple Hearts and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.

Murtha is the most respected politician, on the Hill, with the Pentagon. The reason he knows so much about the Iraq FUBAR is because generals are secretly leaking that information to him. Murtha has served in combat and is respected by military officers. Yet, in Vilmar's eyes he doesn't rise above a coward. Vilmar, the social conservative, doesn't even believe Murtha deserves to have one last breath of air.

Vilmar is like the Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Lion from the Wizard of Oz. His conservitism lacks compassion. His writing shows a lack of attempting to intellectually engage readers, and he questions the moral courage of others.


At October 17, 2006 4:37 PM , Blogger Joel said...

Alan followed the neocon protocol - when leaving nasty comments, be sure to use the terms "traitor," "served his country" and "France." What a good fundie.

The Armed Forces would really see a spike in enlistment if they advertised the free pass to be an insufferable ass you seem to be giving Vilmar.

By the way, Michael - when do I get mine in the local blog smack talk? Looking forward to it.

At October 17, 2006 5:08 PM , Blogger Michael Hussey said...

By the way, Michael - when do I get mine in the local blog smack talk? Looking forward to it.

No, Joel. You don't get on my nerves. Tell Tommy to keep the Stripper posts coming.

At October 18, 2006 11:04 AM , Blogger Joel said...

No, Joel. You don't get on my nerves.

I'm not trying hard enough then =) I'm still not sure what the deal is with you two. I'm sure it's not that interesting, so I'll just keep reading both of you.

As typical liberals you don't address what I have said.

I promised myself I wouldn't keep responding. Oh well.

In typical neo-con form (oops, I did it again) you really would like to think it's a black and white, conversative or liberal world.

Try this on for size: I'm a practicing, church-going Christian. I voted for Dubya in 2000 (though I did not make that mistake again in 2004). I don't think we should pull out of Iraq immediately (though only because we need to fix the mess we created). I don't mind it if marriage stays betweeen man and woman (though only if we stop letting a religious institution affect governmental functions like taxation).

I only sound like a typical liberal because it's so darn hard to like the GOP these days. Were Republicans to again start sounding more like Libertarians instead of Southern Baptists, I might consider supporting a few of them. Until then I'll keep voting for the best qualified candidate to lead this country in the way it should be lead according to those Founding Fathers you claim so often - the Dems are a whole heck of a lot closer to it these days.

Oh, and if it seems people are never addressing your points, you may want to consider the possibility that your points aren't worth addressing.

At October 18, 2006 2:57 PM , Blogger Michael Hussey said...

I think Alan is Vilmar. I had an amonymous comment defending Vilmar before. Alan's profile lists his blog as RightWing Howler (back when it was on Blogger.) The team members are BobF, Vilmar, Joe, Lisa. No Alan S.

The interesting thing is does Alan know Vilmar's real name? He claims to know about his military service. I'm not going to take the word about the service of an anonymous blogger who maybe the anonymous blogger in question. We need a real name to fact-check. Put up or shut up.

Alan, you and my troll Bryan should hook up. You two can start the anti-Pushing Rope blog.

Joel, I don't actually hate Tommy. When he gets defensive he can't give a straight answer. A perfect example is his post on comparing the fake Ronda Storms Myspace page to a guy pretending to be Ronde Barber with a woman on a messanger. Fake Ronde got the woman to send dirty pictures and was convicted for it. I pointed out to Tommy that he shouldn't compare the two. He said he wasn't Then why write a post comparing the two?

Joel, I also wrote a post about Punk Ass Blog. I really wasn't trying to, but the blogosphere has been producing some stupid shit from the left and right the past few weeks. I'm glad I avoid Tampa Taxi Shot and the lame porn Tim has on the front page. I don't say that against porn. It's the girls he posts have scary faces. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

At October 18, 2006 6:22 PM , Blogger Joel said...

Michael - I didn't think there was any hate there; I just can't ever gauge how much of it is good-natured ribbing. Again, I'm sure it's not important.

And I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks Vilmar is Alan S. Those obnoxious, overlong all-caps post titles on both blogs are awfully similar. Howler sounds like HCCC with the social fiter turned off.

There's a link on Howler to Vilmar's personal webpage. It's funny how almost literate and interesting it all sounds compared to the rage-addled claptrap on Howler. It's all so calculated.

At October 22, 2006 7:51 PM , Blogger Mae said...

Hi, Michael. I am the "Joe" listed as one of the team members at Vilmar's blog, and I can almost assure you that Vilmar is not Alan S. I say "almost" because I have never actually met either of them in person, but having had myriad email correspondence with Vilmar over the last few years and having read Alan's comments here and elsewhere, the writing styles are very different. For what it's worth, I have no reason to believe that Vilmar is anybody other than who he says he is.




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