Sunday, October 15, 2006

Conservative Bloggers Throw In Towel

First there was Andrew Sullivan saying that the Iraq war is going to hell. Now it's the Commissar.

I would say that we are in the “last throes” of denying that this is a civil war.

The good ship Bush is officially sinking. The conservative bloggers are jumping off. I'm talking to you Glenn Reynolds.

At this point I'm just hoping that after the election is over we will have one party that is responsible and sane. I don't care which party it is. Recent history seems to indicate I will be disappointed, though.

The sweet sorrow of a former Democrat, turned civil libertarian, turned into a Republican shrill. Reynolds feels the same way that people who read InstaPundit. They come back to once again be disappointed. He's the blogging equivalent of having sex with an ex.

Conservatives have waited decades to get the White House, Supreme Court, Senate and House of Representatives. In less than six years, they bombed worse than the guys in


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